Barack Obama sent one message that will make Joe Biden’s life a living hell

Barack Obama is unquestionably still the leader of the Democrat Party. Now he’s weighing in on the biggest controversy engulfing Democrats in decades. And Barack Obama sent one message that will make Joe Biden’s life [...]


    • Obama(Not his Real Name & Not USA citizen) is like-unto the devil-incarnate. Illegal, American-Ruination Anti-Christ despicable piece of manure!

      • His KENYAN B/C was available on the net BEFORE he was elected. His own relatives openly say he was born IN Kenya to a Kenyan father and American mother.

        He has OPENLY claimed in recent speeches that he was born in Kenya and has BRAGGED about that. The B/C he used in this country has obvious false info on it.

        BUT! The GOP has known all of that yet has refused to oppose him for it in any way! His Presidency is as much the fault of the COWARDS in the GOP as it is the LIARS in the Democrat Party.

  1. This just proves to everyone what a low life backstabber Obama is! He is only concerned about HIS power! He hates America and American people! He is hard at work to destroy our country, an make us a communist nation, so HE can be in charge! He thinks he is “ the smartest man in the room”, but he is actually a coward. He uses other people to get his way, then denies it. He lies all the time, makes statements then denies what he says. He is a traitor and should be treated as such! Anyone who backs him, or any demonrat is a traitor! He needs to be sent back to Kenya, and be refused entry back into our country!

  2. I think he is an crook. I never believed he was born in Hawaii. That makes him a traitor!!!

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