Barack Obama gave Democrats one message about Kamala Harris no one saw coming

Barack Obama reportedly took an active role in forcing Joe Biden to step aside in the ongoing Presidential race. Now, he’s made one of his most important decisions since leaving the White House. And Barack [...]


  1. It does not matter – the entire DNC is in concert witha radical agenda conservatives reject and we will fight to prevent America from becoming a third world nation. Let’s go Brandon, let’s go Kamala, let’s go Democrats – you’r all the same.

    • Why are people turning their eyes off of OBama?? Where in history of our nation has a Past President (kept his nose in the political field) as he does? Yes, we are not all rocket scientist to see that he has an agenda to destroy this country, and allow the muslim’s rule the land… Bill Clinton, George Bush, Joe Biden, WHY ARE YOU ALL just sitting their and letting this happen. I know, the democrats are afraid of Trump, CAUSE they know he is a smart man and see’s the deep state, the govt at large, and probably congress and senate men and women, the truth that is going on behind the scenes stealing, robbing the american people to gain forture to many of them., yes there are some good and honest in various positions, but THEY NEED to fess up on the destruction of america before it is too late. and time is nearing if the democrats win in november. we are toast.

  2. Kackler has done nothing as the VP! So why would she be any different as President…..4 years old destroying the US with this administration! Wake-up America!

  3. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves. President Biden and his VP have tried to ruin our country and President Obama has also had a hand in it.The American people are smart and strong they will not let our country down when we vote November 5,2024.

  4. Harris got ZERO votes from the people to be the nominee for president . Yet , with the wave of the hand of a dictator has installed her as our nominee . I didn’t vote for her , did you ? Now , with the help of the media , and the powers that be , a person that was a laughing stock two weeks ago is now the answer . C’mon Man , what has she done ?

  5. Obama has now endorsed her. A few days ago he was very much against her replacing Biden. He really wanted his wife to get the democrat nomination. He is a very slick operator. Wonder what he has up his sleeve?

  6. Break this stronghold create love and unity show your children we can be adults for their sakes stop the ObamaSorosBiden agendas

  7. I can’t believe that a VP who did not do her job is being considered for our President. We are sure to be taken over by someone who doesn’t respect our flag, constitution, rule of law, etc. All of our freedoms will be at risk.

  8. I can’t believe that a VP who did not do her job is being considered for our President. We are sure to be taken over by someone who doesn’t respect our flag, constitution, rule of law, etc. All of our freedoms will be at risk.

    • Not doing her job is vastly the smallest issue. Check her prior statements to learn her plan. It’s 100% communist, 100% anti-american. Should they somehow, ONCE AGAIN, STEAL this election, the country will be fully third world in less than 4 years, there will never be a 2party election again, and kiss your freedoms goodbye (all of them) she may be a laughing stalk, but she’s way more dangerous than Biden. When in senate she ranked as #1 MOST LIBERAL of all senators….and the MOST liberal presidential candidate in our history. Don’t think she’ll just cackle her way through 4 years. She’s ignorant enough to pose a dire threat to our govt. Our nation, every citizen, every child, to our safety, security, values, EVERYTHING YOU EVER VALUED

  9. Harris has proven that, other than evidently, giving good head, she is useless. Joe gave her one job…securing the border and she couldn’t do that. She never even tried. This is who the democrats want to be president.

  10. Vote for Robert F Kennedy if you believe in USA. Don’t waste your valuable time on jerks like Obama No good person. I use to be a Democrat. I am now a member of We The

    eople and I’m so happy I made the change

  11. Obama, what a mistake he has been. Think about it, electric cars, that was started when he was in office along with stop the gas line. All you see happening in Bidens era were originally thoughts from Obama, the worst Resident we have ever had until Joe Biden and the Democrats cheated on the election and put him in office. Donald Trump, businessman and super intelligent next to these Idiots.

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