An Army sniper was just hit with this nasty insult by a top Biden-Harris regime official

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are presiding over one of the most scandal-plagued regimes in history.  They now have another mess on their hands. And an Army sniper was just hit with this nasty insult [...]


  1. This is despicable. Further disrespect of American heroes who were there and sacrificed. Our governments representatives are slimeball lackeys John Kirby and wannabe veep Tampon Tim. So Sorry

    • In response to latest assassination attempt, local retarded Democrat newspaper put out usual ignorant editorial about banning AR style rifles along with pictures of several AR15s… problem is Ryan Wesley Routh didn’t bring an AR15 and the rifle he tried to use looks nothing at all like an AR15! Democrats are TOTALLY STUPID when it comes to guns! Democrats should never discuss guns because it always makes them look even stupider with every failed attempt!

      • In both would-be assassins cases, the weapons were not owned by them. Crooks took the AR-25 (or whatever it was) firearm from his Dad’s house. He did not purchase it. Routh had an AK-47 that he couldn’t have owned legally because he was a felon. Banning guns will not deter illegal ownership, it will only make law-abiding citizens vulnerable.

        • All Communist dictatorship takeovers have been immediately followed by confiscation from citizens of all firearms. This list includes Lenin, Stalin, the Chinese communist party, the Khmer Rouge, North Korea, North Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and on and on. And usually what has followed every confiscation has been mass murder of the populace ordered by the dictator.

    • I hope that if Trump becomes President again, he starts indicting all of these traitorous scumbags and seizes all of their assets, including any retirement money they have accumulated!

    • It was actually much worse than is being said here. There were over 80,000 weapons systems left behind (including aircraft and armored personnel carriers), millions of rounds of ammunition, and over 2,000 people left after all means of transportation had left the country. To my knowledge, we have never had a retrograde from an operational area go as badly as this one did. It was worse than terrible. The question that needs answering is, “why weren’t all weapons, personnel, munitions and supplies transported back?” Why did we leave when we did? Oh, and yes, as a result, the Taliban is one of the best equipped militaries in Asia. How, Mrs. Harris, is that strengthen our military?

  2. It is well past time for our representatives on both sides of the isle to to get control of our politicians once again.
    Americans need to wake up to their responsibility to call out these anti-American liberals AND RINO’s in government and remove them from office. And those people already in office who claim to support conservative values must grow a backbone and do all in their power to out and oust these traitors of true American values!!!

    • James, the bureaucrats are seldom elected, but often appointed by some elected. We do not remove them in the normal sense, we replace them by voting in someone else and therein lies the challenge, namely, finding someone who espouses your issues and getting them to stand for election and all the work to get them elected. Very few people understand that process and even fewer want to or can tackle it. Incumbents, including the ne’re-do-wells, are usually supported by their party because they are easier to get reelected than finding someone new, so you are in an up hill battle from the get-go.

  3. One scenario put forward in a science fiction book of the 1950’s was that military service was required to vote. I thought it was extreme at the time. Now it seems more and more to be an idea that might be explored.

      • your idea is great in theory but who makes the decision who is sane? How about male landowners over 40? I know that this statement will catch a lot of objections but if it happened the US would diffidently be better off. Kids and women make most decisions with emotion, not logic.

        • So chauvinistic of you. Males tend to think they’re more capable of making decisions better but males tend to think with the wrong head. You are so wrong but of course that’s a typical male for you

  4. I am a veteran and the current administration is a total waste of space. No respect for those who served this country because we believe in the principles that the founders of the country thought were right. We are now at a crossroad to either follow the principles that established this country or let the current administration lead us to pain and misery.

    • problem with requirement to serve is you may get the Pre-ww2 mindset to send all the Politicians kids to cake positions then not have them do the jobs required! However I do agree that everyone should serve at least 4yrs in military service. and everyone should be required to file for Selective service not just Males (Equality) (man{he/him}, woman{she/Her} Other {They/Them/or ???}, other with the same restrictions. if they do not they do not receive any government funds Grants, jobs!

  5. The Biden/Harris withdrawal out of Afghanistan was the worst military move I have ever experienced! Its was not a blunder or mistake it was gross negligence and it was done on purpose that damaged the United States while putting us all in future danger from our enemies! These two and many others running our Government which includes big business are foreign billionaires are all traitors to this country and they should be brought to real actual justice for their horrible actions and misdeeds that are destroying this countries and what is left of the free world!

    • It was ‘photo-shot’ for the Democrat Party. Nothing short of it. 13 lives, plus countless disabled American troops (regardless of branch of service). Additionally, all those who ‘suffered’ PTSD and related disorders as a result of this conflict. And the politicians somehow outrank the ‘Joint Chiefs of Staff’ who understand the true nature of warfare and the effect it has on troops. I am so with you Barry on this one.

  6. The Afganistan withdrawal was done so that the troops would be out by September 1, 2021 to allow Biden to make a speech on September 11th claiming victory. This was his “Mission accomplished” moment.

  7. Those one strippers are the body of the military force without whom you won’t have much of a military force, way to belittle and alienate them. Just stay away from the services until all the garbage is tossed out. Get a pry bar to get the entrenched dead weight and pry it loose. So this ship can right itself cuz it’s about to capsize from all the rot.mark

  8. I agree with all the above comments, but I noticed they are all dated Sept. 18 (today), at 1:24 PM 1:37 PM. 2:32PM etc. And it is only 08:49 in the morning as I read these.

  9. Just goes to show you if somebody is a democrap they will vote democrap even if they come out and burn your house down says:

    Even after 3 and a half years they are still tring to cover-up all the wrong things they did. Thats all the Democraps know how to do is lie LIE LIE !!

  10. I think that the only reason Biden & Harris made that stupid decision about Afghanistan is because the safest way to get those people out was a suggestion from Trump. Ans we all know what the Democraps think of Trump. So they just did whatever was the opposite of what he said they should do. It’s they’re stupid move. Trump was right.

  11. We the People are paying the price for the 2020 bushwhacking election by the Democrats. What is ironic is they (Democrats) suffer along with the rest of American citizens.

  12. democrats lie and Americans die………….
    any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran and russia. period

  13. If Trump pulls off a Major Miracle and wins reelection both he and the GOP had better get seriously busy ENDING DEMOCRAT ELECTION FRAUD!! It’d about time they did considering all of the promises to do so!

    If they FAIL to do so AGAIN, R.I.P., USDA.

  14. Kirby is a traitor. A butt kisser to the democrats who are nothing but evil. He won’t admit what a loser he is. Biden did what he did because no one tells him what to do. He doesn’t listen to people who know what they are doing. Biden is a buffoon put in office so Obama could keep destroying America. Obama should of been arrested for spying on President Trump.

  15. Firing Squad for all those involved in making this abhorent decission. This includes all those that made that decission, including the people in GVT, Army-, Navy- & Airforce top brass, all being charged with dereliction of duty and endangering “The Homeland/Nation”!!!

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