Amazon just made one announcement about Melania Trump that sent Michelle Obama into a rage

Melania Trump avoided the spotlight during her time as the First Lady of the United States.   She made raising their son, Barron, her top priority.   But Amazon just made one announcement about Melania [...]


  1. Not a fair question since Jill is connected to the evil Democrats’ Party of junkies, CRIME WAVE, criminals, murderers…

  2. Jilly should be charged with elder abuse for making Biden remain in office after his diagnosis of demential. I know, I know, we would’be been stuck with Kamalho if he had resigned, but I still think it would’ve been the right decision. There is popular opinion that Jilly didn’t want to give up the perks of First Lady and residing at the White House. Instead, Biden will be considered one of the worst Presidents in history.

  3. Jill can’t hold a candle to Melania. Jill has no taste in whatever it was that she did to the White House for the holidays. It was always a disaster. And the parties at the White House were always in bad taste. I was always embarrassed to see what was going on. I’m so glad to see class and decorum returned to our house.

  4. As bad as she was treated and horribly disrespected the first time ,she held her head high with dignity and grace. She is a beautiful role model for our country and was a wonderful First Lady.

    • i agree melania trump was great and her beautywas just gorgous and her way was just greatshe loved her family with so much love no mater what. she always looked beautiful her beauty with in. god bless you melania trump you and your wonderful great smart husband and your son baron he takes after you .god bless you all and god protect this great president and his family.2025

  5. She is a very classy and intelligent 1st Lady much like Jackie Kennedy. She is far above all the other 1st Ladies and a prize asset to the President and to the United States of America .

  6. How can this even be a contest? They stand at opposite ends of the spectrum, with diametrically opposed opinions and views of our great nation and it’s citizens. Standing tall, she was was not overly impressed by the trappings and glitter of the proximity to power. She was herself and stood by her husband and raised and supported her son, who now stands head and shoulders above both his mom and dad.

  7. melania trump is the greatest first lady we had and have again. she loves our country her son barron and her husband president donald j trump.she is a women of beauty in and out. smart one too. god bless you melania trump she is a great mother and a great wifelove her family. god bless you first lady melania trumpshe out shines most first as a wiz good luck melania and your beautiful family.i pray for you and your beautiful family.

  8. Michelle Obama is a lie, Lavon Robinson is the man everyone has been calling Michelle Obama, since the Obama’s slithered out from under a Chicago dumpster, manufactured by Bill Ayer’s, and Bernardino Dohrn, two domestic terrorists who blew up federal buildings, in protest of the war in Vietnam, in late 60’s to mid 70’s! Stanley Anne Dunham, Obama’s mother, was a communist friend of the Ayer’s family, the family who paid for Obama’s Harvard, education! The Ayer’s mentor young people, to be well educated communists! Obama, and also a friend, and gang members son, who’s father is doing life in prison, it’s the least Bill Ayer’s could do since the man is doing time that Ayer’s should have done! “Weather Underground” So Ayer’s educated the son, sent him to Venezuela, to mentor under the communist regime! Last I read, he was the DA, in San Francisco, California, you’ll be hearing of him more, as he will certainly, be running for POTUS in the future! The full treasonous fiasco that the DNC knowingly supported, regardless of the 1954 Communist Control Act! The DNC, is a criminal, Treasonous Organization, doing all they can do, to destroy America from the core, without firing a shot? Well they tried! Everything the DNC does is evil, criminal, and treasonous!
    Classless rodents, the MSM, The Politicized DOJ, FBI, ATF, CIA, Secret Service, all Federal agencies, have been mandated, to fall in line. This anti-America behavior is the reason President Donald Trump has been recently attacked, lied about, and deceive! Hollywood, Federal Judges appointed by an unelected billionaire dual citizen ashamed, Jew! George Soros is a putrid, disgusting, rodent! So disgusting, that his home Country, Hungary will not allow him to return! The DNC worships him, and will, until the money runs out! These are the traitors who have lied, cheated, stole, murdered, and ran the printing presses around the clock, printing counterfeit money to do with as they please, because the taxpayers are on the hook for their treachery! Michelle Obama is really, Lavon Robinson, a man, and Barrack Obama is gay! They made a mockery of the People’s House!

  9. Joe Biden is not, nor has he ever been, the President of the United States of America! Obama has been dictator since his final Constitutional time in office! The most egotistical, Liar the world has ever known. Obama made some smart ass comments during his “Late-Night-Tour” after he finished his legally allowed Presidency, he said things tongue in cheek, like “in America you only get two terms, you all know that” grinning done big ear, to big ear! So they made a plan, to get people elected to be a false Storefront POTUS, to cast a shadow for Obama to become, Dictator. The Woman, up to bat first, was Hillary “I was born to be President” Clinton! We all know Trump busted her bubble, leading her to go to the UK to devise a plot, blaming Trump, for Russia-collusion, which isn’t even a crime! She wanted to be President so much, but the Woman was just not as intelligent as her ego, led her to believe! Relentlessly, attacking President Trump, round the clock, for four years, the most filthy display of treason ever, in the USA! They have Soros appointed Judges, all over the USA!
    Unmistakably – Communist, tactics only seen in Banana Republics, so familiar to Bill Ayer’s. Her inability to close the deal, led Soros, to make the public comment, “I don’t need Hillary, Obama is already a communist” Soros, doesn’t even try to hide who he is! Another narcissistic, oligarch!
    WE THE PEOPLE, have had all of this, we can stand, and the egotistical DNC criminals, stabbed, drooling Joe Biden, in the back, and went with clueless, Kamala “Down-Town-On-Willie-Brown” Harris. That was a mistake, but Biden is so antiquated, that they had no choice!
    It wouldn’t matter, because Donald Trump, and like minded, true Americans, had already decided, enough! Trump went through two, or three, assassination attempts, that didn’t do much, but strike him in the ear, to which he rose and defiantly said, NO!

  10. The United States of America, deserves better! We have been attacked by our own domestic enemies, and they will not get away with it. The People have stood up to Obama, and the liars, the ridiculous, the imbeciles, that haven’t the ability to see that they should be humiliated! The Media, The Hollywood individuals, who act like someone they aren’t, for a living, Some go along because they fear losing their jobs, some go along with it, because the “Rat-Pack” drunks, womanizing actors, and performers, wanted to support their friend Sinatra, and his “Man-Crush” for KFK! Some are just sheep, in the herd, who haven’t enough intestinal-fortitude to stand on their own two feet, and be a human being with dignity! Those cackling-imbeciles, on the view, clueless sheep! The MSM with a note from the director about the narrative, so disgustingly, cowardice! Two-faced, classless, fools making spectacles of themselves, that smarter people than them, change the channel on! These people don’t have a clue, that they should be humiliated! Then there are the consequence’s, of real-life, horrors, caused by the incapable people going through the motions, to assist treasonous politicians, known best, as the DNC!
    300K children, are unaccounted for, due to the treasonous, open-border policy, by the left wing fools, making decisions for lack of a person, with the most meager, basic, common sense of a 10 year old! This is not going away! We will get to the bottom of this, and GOD help the ones responsible!

  11. Melania Trump, Is a Lady! She is educated, Beautiful, a woman with integrity, and class, she is a strong wife, and mother. Being married to a man as busy as Donald Trump, a man who until you get to know him, you may believe the lies, and the false stories. There are pitiful women, who sink so low, as to manufacture stories of being attacked by this man, for his money. These types of women, will always know, they lied, to the world, for some innocent man’s money, because they are nothing! Usually it’s atheists who do such things! Donald Trump, has a very high IQ, he has seen, and heard, of so many cheap-hustlers, who live to cheat, and lie, and get to bring a suit against a wealthy individual. He is too, intelligent, and has better than you’ll ever be, happy by his side! It just takes others, who hate a man so much, and temperatures are high, and you pick the perfect moment, and strike! These types of women fill the offices at MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News! Women like Kamala Harris, who rose to power, almost the first female POTUS, by going down on a sleazy mayor, in some sleazy town, who most people have never even heard of! This is the norm at the DNC, it hasn’t always been that way, my recollection takes me back, to when Ted Kennedy,(D) was driving drunk, and hit a concrete bridge, on the sandy beach backroads, of coastal Martha’s Vineyard. Being who he was, and his family name, bad people did bad things, to enable him to continue on, a free man, as many rich, and famous, people do! Then of course, there’s Bill Clinton.(D) these people get the headlines, not the strong, faithful, dedicated wives, and mothers, who truly deserve recognition. Here in America, we catch ourselves coming to conclusions of people, too quickly, without facts, I know I have been guilty of it, and after researching I’ve decided that Donald Trump, and this beautiful, classy lady, First Lady Melania, are truly good people, so let the one without sin, cast the first stone!

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