Alvin Bragg is seeing double after his anti-Trump witch hunt got hit with the ultimate truth haymaker

Alvin Bragg’s witch hunt is on life support after the election.  He’s trying to use every trick in the book to keep it alive.  And Alvin Bragg is seeing double after his anti-Trump witch hunt [...]


  1. Why doesn’t the New York Bar Association put an end the Braggs law license ?? The man has shown the world he is a buffoon. But then that is a good word to describe Bar Assoiations, isn’t it. They rarely do anything to crooked laywers etc because they are like a labor union. They need the annual dues for their booze parties.

  2. I hope the people of New York finally realize what a terrible mistake they made by electing Bragg. He has done nothing to improve the lives of New York people. Crime is rampant and he doesn’t care. Hopefully they will give him the same treatment he deserves and kick his ass to the curb. He should be disbarred too.

  3. The Democraps have a lot of lawyers that should be disbarred. They definitely didn’t learn anything in law school.

  4. Well Alvin Bragg is running again for reelection sometime next year, I hope people will think it twice to vote for him,he hasnt done anything about the crime in NY and why does he has to run again ? for what purpose I dont see any reason he should run again.

  5. Give it up Bragg, it’s over. And NO, you will not retain your current position as DA, your days are numbered, the people see thru you.

  6. Bragg has nothing to Brag about and should be either dropped from reelection of even more embarrasing, lose the election altogether.

  7. All of the Witch Hunt cases against Trump needs to be dropped we the American people saw through Joe Biden and the Democrats a long time ago right after the first indictment against Trump it was a punishment of him beaten Hillary Clinton in a fair and legal election in 2016 cuz Hillary Clinton is a poor loser and a liar and so damn corrupt she probably smells with corruption they have been going after Trump ever since 2017 with the Russia hoax paid for and planned by Hillary Clinton and the FBI on down to today even Nancy Pelosi organized and planned January 6th and she should be held accountable for murder only one person died that day and it was a brave soldier that served her country the other people that died after January 6th died of natural causes or suicide don’t let them lie to you anymore they did not die on January 6th and then the reason they still going after him today is because he won this year in 2024 they are never going to let him alone until the man is dead and in his grave and then they still probably go after him there because he died that’s just how much they hate Donald Trump and his supporters and it is Democrats who is trying to destroy America be thankful you going to get to keep your democracy for the next four years because Donald Trump will protect it with his life be glad we got a man who loves and not hate America back in office

  8. Bragg and that asshole judge are going to prison after Trumps administration does complete colonoscopy on these two corrupt democrats assholes they will wish they never heard of Trump. The corrupt skeletons are going to come out of the closet and they are going to be exposed of all their corruption. They better find good attorneys because they are going to need them. Trump will end up suing them. And that’s not at taxpayers expense anymore that’s going to be their financial problems. Let the games begin all their cases looked at with a microscope. In joy your colonoscopy.
    Your going to loose your license and judge ship prison awaits both of you assholes

  9. I believe Merchan is delaying sentencing because deep down he knows an appeal is going to over turn his trial verdict based on Merchans biased conduct of the trial. It is almost as bad as Engeron with no accounting/financial training unilatterally declaring Trump guilty of finacial fraud.

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