Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has gone into hiding after her Congressional District was exposed as a third-world hellscape

At one time Alexandria Ocasio Cortez said that criminals who loot retail stores shouldn’t be held accountable for their crimes because they are merely taking food to feed their families. The loud-mouthed woke extremist always [...]


  1. That doesn’t give them the right to break the law. It is not Americas job to feed the world. We have hungry and homeless Americans that deserve the aid before illegals.

    • She is a disgrace w the rest of the radical o bama-soros bought and paid for liberals who hate America wanting a third world global order. They want totalitarian control.

      • The funny thing about AOC is every time a reporter goes to a shitty district and sees the mess and ask the people how they feel they say they hate her but every year they keep voting her back in. WTF

  2. AOC, a very typical DemoCommie politician. Their governing motto: “Do as we SAY, not as we DO”. Another of their favorite tactics is to cause the problem then turn about and blame the victims!

  3. All the migrants that came here! If you want the same life you ran from, then vote democrat. But if you want a better life vote Republican. I’m not saying it will be easy at first, but it will get better. Vote Republican!

  4. AOC is the worst thing in our gov. How did she ever get in, in the first place??? Was it old Killary pushing her. She does nothing, but shoot off her ugly loud mouth, scream at everyone, stomp her feet and slam things on the floor. As usual a filthy DemoRat throwing her immature child temper tantrums trying to get her way. Does nothing but cause trouble, lies about everything and sucks up tax payer money she has no right too. You have to earn it, but being said most of them are the same way. Why those idiots keep voting this rotten thing in, is their own fault. Just like loser Cal Newsom, another one just like her. You vote for that crap, you get what you deserve.

  5. Quit calling those Law Breakers Migrants!! A Migrant comes into this country to do a job and leaves. Then the Migrant comes back when the next job needs to be done. Migrants help Plant Crops and help Harvest Crops. What we have are the Lowest of the Low Illegally entering this Country. 1 and only 1 Continent has not sent a single Criminal here and that’s Antarctica. Every other Country on every Continent has emptied out their Prisons and Jails and kicked them out. They send those Criminals to Mexico and they finally cross into America. They immediately get Issued a Picture ID and a Bank Card loaded with Biden Bucks with a value between 1500 and 5500 a month. Cities like NYC are putting these Illegal Aliens up in the cities finest hotels free of charge which allows the Illegal Alien to send his Biden Bucks back home. It’s time to hunt down every Illegal and Deport them along with Charging AOC, Biden and the rest of the Looney Liberal Democrats with Treason

  6. She like so many just want her ten minutes of fame and has not a clue or desire to fix anything. I hope she was a better bar keep than Congress does nothing person. She was nothing more than a loudmouth and the squeaky wheel that draws attention to one’s self and gets the oil. She will burn out and fade away as quickly as she came cause she is simply an empty suite. A oversized balloon full of hot air.

  7. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is guilt of treason against America! It’s time to put her in prison with the rest of the illegal criminals or just deport all of them with the terms being that they will never come back or post one word about our great country! Vote Republican to save Our country!!!

  8. why do people constantly reelect this fool bartender She does not show concern for her consituents She is dangerous She needs to be replaced

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