ABC News just slapped Kamala’s hand hard after she made this insane debate request

People everywhere are starting to see Kamala Harris can’t handle pressure when she’s in the spotlight. The woke extremist candidate claims that she’s ready and willing to become the next Commander-in-Chief. But now, ABC News [...]


  1. If telling one lie will get you disqualified to be a candidate, then there are many who would not come up to the “bar” to qualify! There is a remedy. Confess your sins and turn from your wicked ways! Instructions from our Almighty God! Liars will have their Eternity in a lake of fire. Why, because they refused to accept the Free Gift of Salvation.

    • When a question is given and the person is not given the time to answer with the time given, then I would say ” Maiden Vice-President” I am speaking. The whole idea of all of the “requests” are out of sight. There needs to be a person, that is not for either side, to monitor the debate. For a just debate this must be done…

    • How about ‘don’t look me in the face you’re not my equal’. I still can’t believe she could speak to a person like that! I would not be able to hold my tongue. “ want does she want me to talk to her ass” because that’s what she is.

  2. A few short words here. She murdered 13 in Afghan and laughed about it. Willie Brown is her friend, or rather his willy!!! FKH, willie brown did!!!

    • I don’t get it her polling was lower than Biden’s nobody liked her then even the democrats she hasn’t changed why bother with her now a leopard doesn’t change her spots

      • And Fauci helped to make that strain that killed all those people and has been lying about it all along to go along with the Democrats. Don’t think for one minute they were not in bed with the Chinese government to kill as many people as possible all over this world. This was a plan not an accident.

      • Trump is innocent of anything concerning covid. He didn’t know the people he was dealing with were corrupt & evil. Using covid as an experiment to see how hard or easy it would be to control people, oh , and also to line the pockets of Big Pharma and themselves with the kickbacks from all the covid “vaccines” that the government paid for. But he knows them all now. And he will clean house when he takes office!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • And how many more died when Joe and HARRIS TOOK OVER AND DID NOTHING. four more years of nothing . and 11,000,000 people crossed the border under Harris.

      • More of the same insane BS the Left is so full of… STOP BUYING THEIR LIES & CONSTANT CENSORSHIP OF THE TRUTH. WAKE UP AMERICA!!

    • She was vice president under a weak man. His lies began , he met Jill on a blind date. Ask her husband Bill Stephenson of Delaware. There is quite a story there.they worked on his campaighn. His wife was killed in a car wreck. Take it from there.

  3. All Trump has to do is let her speak. She’ll hang herself just like dopey Joe did. I’ll bet she backs out of the debate at the 11th hour and blames it on Trump.

  4. So, how do you expect her to act in front of foreign leaders? Kackle, Kackle, Kackle. Give them every thing they want is her way, If she wins, we are doomed.

  5. Big cry-baby Harris wants special treatment, wah wah wahhhh. It’s not enough that the original rules were changed to accommodate the needs of a mentally challenged old man. Rather than try to win on merit, she’s hoping to catch a slip from Trump so she can capitalize on it for a news bite. It’s so obvious Harris is not a woman of substance! Smoke & mirrors is all she has in her bag of tricks! She claims it’s time for change. # 1 priority is get her out of the White House! Changing her image to suit the party is no change at all!

  6. everyone knows that there isn’t an active brain cell in kamella’s head and word salads are just gibberish.
    democrats are destroying America for china and iran and russia and any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America period.

  7. Kamala is an idiot person. She is only wants for herself not the America people.
    She is a RADICAL person. America will be destroyed if she (God porvide) wins. People
    wake up. America is already destroyed with Biden=Harris administration.

    I am voting straight Republican. I am not voting London Breed is falling down. period.

  8. The way the Demoncrats are running our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA into the ground and treating WE THE PEOPLE is right down TREASON

    • The democrates did not used to be evil. They just had a different name., not so now. Money came into play.its run by evil wealthy men. I call it political prostitution. Democratic leaders and some republicans have gotten so evil they are going to have to have a pass from Satan to get into hell.

  9. Keep Mic’S on, Harris is going to screw up BIG TIME, SHE CANT TALK straight and her BRAIN IS Muss.She doent make sences when she speaks and then she starts crackling like an idiot that she is. Trump beat her in this dabate ,she cant handle questions thrown at her, just like biden.


      • EXACTLY what l wanted Trump to say. Inspect her ears for whoever is in there giving her the right answers to questions comrade Kamallah has already been given in advance! Trump has to expose the dirty, rotten cheating Dems for what they have been doing all along…. Lying & cheating & deliberately DESTROYING AMERICA EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THIS STOLEN ADMINISTRATION!!

  10. After reading the story, and looking at some of the comments, I agree with ABC. That worked pretty good the last time. Boy, T will be glad when BS season is over.

  11. Democrats can’t handle the truth on how they have taken the American dream and put it on the playground for themselves to become rich by squeezing the middle class into the low class bracket. So greedy and unamerican.

  12. Business women get down to business unfortunately she doesn’t know how. She’s a disgrace to women f intelligence and the country.

  13. Putin made fun of her laughing and said that he wants her to win. Just him saying that should scare anyone away from her. She will give in to any world leader and give America away. We know that Tampon Tim LOVES the Chinese and wants America to be little China. They are both SNAKES who are already getting the DOJ to start up the Russia, Russia Russia HOAX.

  14. Harris is an idiot. She can’t do anything except make insane promises that she won’t keep and SPEND Taxpayers money on frivolous crap ideas. She really isn’t going to fix the border wall because she likes living in a communist country where she will be the reigning queen. My bet is she not relinquish the white house if she loses. Or she will try to start a war.

  15. Who the hell does she/they think she is???? A VP for the last 4 yrs who has accomplished absolutely nothing positive for our country. DemonCratic nominee for POTUS who never received a single vote in a primary. Her and her PUNK ASS campaign rep. Brian ought to thank their god she gets to even be in the same room as our former and soon to be our next POTUS Donald J Trump. Quit your damn whining and come take your whooping!!!

  16. Who would you want to be your commander in chief, crackling Quemala Harris or the man shot in the ear yelling FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.

  17. I feel that if Trump doesn’t win, and the Democrats start their crap again, Jan 6 will look like a picnic, and this time it will be because of the Democrats! I hope people will wake up and see how radical and crazy Harris and Walz are. GOD forbid they win! Remember (WHEN TYRANNY BECOMES LAW, REBELLION BECOMES DUTY) from our forefathers.

  18. I can’t believe people are too blind to see what’s happening to this country! Heaven forbid if their love ones are kidnapped, trafficked or killed; our children’s school buses are hijacked by illegal criminals and traumatize our children; watch as small businesses created by people’s dreams diminish, unaffordable costs of living due to Bidenomics and unkept promises; mandated to purchase vehicles most of us cannot afford; crimes committed by illegals, jailed then released to reoffend; watch as illegals benefit more than our US citizens, our homeless, our veterans… can’t stand the thought of a POTUS and VP who lie, deceive, make promises just to pander votes, and especially one who can’t speak coherently and annoys with her cackling! I prefer a POTUS and VP who walk and talk “truth and intelligence”, follow the constitution, follow the rule of law, abolish sanctuary cities, FUND ICE and law enforcement and complete the wall because I don’t want to have to keep looking over my shoulder; I want children to be able to walk and play freely in their backyard and or cul de sacs! Whew! I’m done.

    • Well Thank God you had the strength to put into words what alot of Americans are thinking! Your post is very well said and I couldn’t agree more!

    • Anyone who doesn’t agree with everything you just said is BLINDED by Mibd Control of Fake Media & not dealing with a full deck! Remember after the dirty Dems cheated to rig & steal the 2020 Elxn when their sock puppet TraitorJoe Biden bragged that this WIN was the result of the greatest criminal organization in US History! Prolly the ONLY TIME the DEMS EVER TOLD THE TRUTH!! DONT EVER FORGET that DEMS TODAY ARE NOTHING like the true centrist DEMS IN THE DAYS OF THE KENNEDYS who were mostly FOR The American People. Today they are dirty DEMONICRATS led by the EVIL Deep State Swamp Snakes Dividing everyone every day with BLATANT LIES & WEAPONIZING ALL INTEL AGENCIES & JUSTICE DEPT WIRH FALSE VS TRUMP W FALSE CHARGES, FAKE INDICTMENTS EVEN ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF THEIR OPPOSITION TRUMP, THE CLEAR FRONT RUNNER! DRMS & ROTTEN RINIS ATE NOW THE UNIPARTY DESTROYING EVERYTHING GOOD ABOUT THE AMERICAN DREAM & TURNING OUR DAILY LIVES INTO A HELLISH NIGHTMARE!!

    • Don’t we all want that. Keep your gun close. She yesterday in the debates,!0f courses I want you to be able to defend your self. Well that cleared it for me. I’m signing up for gun training. It will not be to wound..i know how to set a wild animal trap.

  19. It’s my personal opinion that after the Biden/Trump debate disaster the Democrats will play up the upcoming Harris/Trump debate then find a sly reason to cancel out and somehow blame it on Trump.

    Just like they turned the assassination attempt around and blamed it on the VICTIM.

    DemoCommies are very very good at blaming the disasters they cause on the victims!

    I HATE to even think this, but who knows? Will an assassination attempt upon Harris be staged just before the debate? Of course it will fail but they’ll blame some hapless conservative and cancel the debate out of concern for Harris’ safety. And, of course, the Auto(D) stooges will buy it all.

  20. Harris is brain dead. Shecannot speak without laughing. I think the cocaine they found the White House is hers.,

  21. I agree with Connie Jones on this. Like in the movies “You can’t handle the truth”. The Democrats can’t handle the truth. Enough said!!!

  22. If Kamala Harris is allowed to become president, her background of complete ignorance of how this government is run, would annihilate our system and throw us into a depression even worse than 1929. She is a taking head and an empty vessel of promises made and never kept. She did nothing during her entire time as vice president and even less if she “God forbid” ever becomes president. No one with a 110 IQ should be allowed to control the reins of the most powerful country on the planet. People wake up before it’s too late. We must Put the only person with both experience and common sense back into the White House. There is no second chance or it’s back to the stone age.

  23. I am very disappointed with ABC, the stand mute mic at the end of the candidate’s two and 0ne minute responses was certainly not held the same for both candidates.

  24. K-mala has not one answer to the questions put forth.lies & mud slinging is best she’s at if she has the keys to the arsenal of nuks the WHOLE is doomed

  25. We have got to do away with the Democrats in 2025 the Republicans have got to retake the White House because we need Trump as the leader of our country we have got to keep the House of Representatives and take back the Senate if we don’t Trump will not be able to do anything to protect America cuz there won’t be one Democrat in the house or the Senate that will vote with Trump on anything God protect America and make America great again

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