A White House official made one confession that put Kamala Harris in this awful spot

Kamala Harris has been trying to distance herself from Joe Biden’s Presidency.  Her campaign was trying to make a clean break.  But a White House official made one confession that put Kamala Harris in this [...]


    • Every Democrat is complaining about ‘no body is above the law’. Well does that not apply to them as well? Of course not! They fit the proverbial definition of ‘political Pharisees’! They are totally self-righteous, self-centered, self-serving not to mention ignorant of their own leadership’s agenda. They don’t care about ‘collateral losses’ in battle…and they only seek ‘self-glory’ for any credit for accomplishment by another party. As for involvement in foreign affairs, it’s all political rhetoric.

  1. This is nothing new for Biden, we can’t blame his senility in this matter, all his career has been peppered with bad decision, even President Obama, and Gates both said he always made the wrong decision and appointing Harris, is just one of them. Alfghan is just his worst, imo

  2. Punished? That’s a laugh! When has a dem ever been punished? They just keep on making money! Joe Biden is taped extorting a foreign dignitary for
    firing his son’s prosecutor… Not even a slap on the wrist!

  3. Just goes to show you if somebody is a democrap they will vote democrap even if they come out and burn your house down says:

    better add Schumer and Pelosis to the list

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