A Royal Family insider revealed why Donald Trump’s election victory has Prince Harry on edge

Most Americans can’t stand Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle.  It’s difficult to comprehend how anyone would feel otherwise about them. And a Royal Family insider revealed why Donald Trump’s election victory has Prince [...]


  1. No none cares two hoots about them. They need to go back home
    to family & try to make peace. I don’t see Harry stayig with Megan
    very long. Sad for the kids.

    • well, Im sure prince Harry had a proper documentations when he came to this country..hes not creating any crimes does he? he should be safe and not be deported back to England..

    • I don’t know why the tabloids make this a story, California has in writing that as a sanctuary state they choose to honor ALL those seeking sanction and will refuse President Trump’s deportation policy. It’s really ironic that California is also the one state that all threw history, has been bailed out by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT…Obama stated that this is the state that can not fail and needs to be taken cared of. (VOTES)

      • We should ban California from being a state. NO FEDERAL MONEY AND THEIR CITIZENS SHOULD APPLY FOR VISAS AND/OR MOVE TO ANOTHER STA TE AND APPLY FOR CITIZENSHIP. california is a large, festering pimple on the USA’s ass and should be eradicated. Obama is a sicko!

  2. They try so hard to call attention to themselves. No one cares! They should go back to England, although Harry will probably grow tired of her sooner or later! She doesn’t fit in with the Royals, and Harry no doubt realizes that now.

  3. The Royals need to get their act together in their own country…seems like we’ve been the “go to nation” many times and to many nations… Glad to have the freedom to do so , but its time for others to pick up their tools and got to work as well. Just sayin’….

  4. Did he violate laws regarding being here on a Visa? Did ten MILLION others violate laws regarding being here without one? Did Trump campaign on solving our ILLEGAL immigration and entry issues?


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