A police officer made one confession about the Secret Service that left Donald Trump sick

The Secret Service failed miserably to protect Donald Trump at his Pennsylvania rally. Now, the embattled agency is trying to pass the buck. And a police officer made one confession about the Secret Service that [...]


    • Red or yellow, black or white, all are precious in his sight; Jesus loves the Presidents of this world. And evidence suggests; esp. Mr. Trump! D L Davies

    • We can no longer TRUST anyone or anything associated with our Federal government! It is a sad time that we have arrived at this point. If President Trump is not elected president 2024 our Country is doomed and we its citizens and our children will suffer as will the world.

      • Unfortunately YOU are spot on. I am not a Trump lover BUT I think he was one of the best Presidents EVER. I even wrote him a letter (which I’m sure HE never saw) telling him his worst enemy was his mouth. IF the democrats DON’t accomplish what they are attempting to do, I WILL vote for Donald J. Trump in November. BUT I gaurantee THEY (the demonrats) havent given up yet.

    • Absolutely. But after what took place in Butler, PA, I don’t trust the Secret Service at all. President Trump got the same lack of protection that I would have gotten at a neighborhood pool party!

    • Trump should hire his own security, paid by the government.
      This was an inside job, put on by the out spoken democrat’s there were several. maxine Waters, she made a statement, she would like to take Trump out to night, NOW, did she hire someone.
      Then there is Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, who wanted Trump out, did she hire someone.
      These people know who can take people out, and never be found. We will probably never know, thats why all of these democates if Trump wins, he has to start from the top all the way down and get rid of them. But he should file suit against the director Kimble who was responsible .and the family of Cory sue the hell out of them

    • The biggest mistake is disarming all the MAGA patriots attending the rally’s.
      Who was the first people to notice the shooter? armed MAGA patriots
      Who would have taken action immediately? armed MAGA patriots

  1. Government had better provide top-notch security… Secret Service can’t be considered top eschelonw security any mor4 for obvious reasons…

    • What is the job of the Secret Service???? Are they not to go and Scope out the area, one to days before the rally? Checking out EACH and EVERY building in the 500 (yards) to a 1000 feet of the “stage”. The Secret Service DROP THE BALL COMPLETELY!!! The secret service is the TOP authority when the President or former President is in the AREA. Since the Biden “people” came into the White House/Capital, there has been a complete failure of duties or all the Agencies. With Garland running the FBI and CIA and others, to report to him, for him to dictate the agencies jobs… Harris will NOT BE ANY BETTER, for she is running on the same platform as Biden. NOT GOOD!!!

      • You are correct on all your statements.
        When I had read about how the FBI and DOJ had spied on President Trump years ago, I knew that the Secret Service was in bed with both of these agencies.
        I would get better protection from an outdoor backyard pool party security team than from these three agencies.

  2. The Secret Service is corrupted by the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas is a creep and should be FIRED immediately. While not sure the moron-in-chief is involved because not sure he was awake. While we should be ashamed that any candidate running for office is not protected in the United States of America, I would advise Trump to use Bikers for Trump as his personal protection.

    • You got that right. Hire his own badd ass security. The secret service did a shitty job like it was a set up.

    • Absolutely agree the FBI AND CIA are corrupt as biden and the rest of them. Last Saturday in St. Cloud they were on the roof and it was hot there. There is no excuse.

    • The secret service is either no longer competent or this was a setup and they are complicit. Either way, it needs to be overhauled.

      • the democrats and the deep state have tried to break him financially and to put him in jail. all this has failed to force him to withdraw from running for President in 2024. their last option is to kill him and thankfully the first attempt failed. I don’t see them NOT making further attempts. I think it possible (remotely?) that the roof was left open on purpose and the shooter was killed to keep him from talking. this is a horrible thought to have but in view of many other things the demoncrats have done to gain and retain power over AMERICAN CITIZENS it is definately within the realm of possibility.

        • I have the same feelings as you do.
          These Demon Rats who are in charge of this country are trying to tear it to pieces.
          We need President Trump back in the White House.

        • I totally agree with you on this. I think it was a democratic plot to kill him. They are so scared of loosing power they will do anything to keep it

        • I agree, many of Americans feel this way. We are all common sense people, but when you look at all the facts, one can only come to one conclusion….It was a set up engineeed by the opposition. They do no even care, taking the life of one person and injuring two others, all because of taking power at all costs.

        • I think the deep state set it all up. How did this kid get 3 off shore accounts with $1.5 million in them. They shot him to shut him up. Poor stupid kid.

        • did yall happen to see video of Crooks saying, ” you got the wrong guy, then kinda chuckling…I guess he made it right before they killed him..just another patsy for them.
          They haven’t said jack about the young father,whose kids are fatherless now, just the way the democrats like it, or the two critical people..they don’t care, we’re just one less maga Patriots they have to worry about..evil & disgusting, 4 sure

  3. Further proof our country is being taken over by Communists that have one plan, and that’s the total destruction of our way of life. Their puppets are in every part of government and our learning institutions. Drastic measures to root out the traitors has to be taken. Starting with the person that stated ” Trump should be in the bullseye” FJB

    • When outlining the various agencies involved in taking America down it must be noted first that it is not the Communists, this goes beyond communism, it is all about a New World Order.
      What most people fail to realize is that there is only one nation in the world today that stands against their (NWO) takeover and that is the nation that allows it’s citizens to be armed.
      One other point I think needs to be made; you listed the government and “learning institutions”. Yes, those have been compromised, but they are in the unions, the medical profession which includes research, AND in the churches. Look at how many churches cowtowed to the government’s illegal mandate to mask up and shut down.
      Americans need to wake up to these realities. They are not just conspiracy theories, they can be found as PROPHESIES in The Scriptures. That’s because this is a spiritual war, the forces of evil against the good, and evil is always destructive even to itself.

  4. This country is going to hell in a hand basket as a result of this corrupt administration. The president, the FBI, the DOJ, the Secret Service are all totally incompetent. We need to wipe the slate completely and elect strong, pro-life, conservative leaders to help restore this country to the once great nation we were.

    • I agree…with you and James. I am too old to be “doing” anything that might be helpful to have. Regardless pf that, I hope we can separate and get most of the city folk into their appropriate places and let them stay there and not carry out expectations that we truly don’t want.

    • AMEN AMEN.. The one whole order has been put into play back in the 50’s and on, up to when Obama and his mentor, Davis, Wright, and his grandparents. Tear down the believes of the base of America, GOD, and put in the communist manifesto for the one world order.

    • they are very competent in what they set out to do and that is to bring this country and a few others into the very corrupt New World Order wherein the surving people will be slaves to the elite!!! this is why they want abortion up to the moment of live birth legal. after that they will start to make it ok to kill senior citizens; after all we demand the money that we paid into SS fund returned to us as part of our retirement income. and we don’t add to the GNP

  5. I agree with what people are saying. It’s in the Constitution that presidents and former presidents have security. I will always believe that the president was behind the attack!

    • How Right. It has been said many times that we will destroy ourselves from within we are our are our own greatest enemy. Until we get these corrupt lifetime politicians out of office. Example Joe Biden has along with many others has never had a real job. Old sleepy Joe been living off the tax payers all his life. His buddy Obama is not even a natural born US citizen (fact check it out nor is Harris) yet they are all living on the tax payers. Just to be clear it not only Demo., its lot of Republicans also. Our fore Fathers did not intend it to be this way. Do your duty for a few years 4 to 8 years or so then go back home and earn a real living. We will never get here until we have term limits, lots of luck having that happen since they are the ones that vote on that. Need a uprising of the people and fix this.

      • How very true. They need to have to really “work” for a living instead of just talking their way through it.

  6. Interesting. This question is addressed to Judy Moore. Specifically, please inform me where in the Constitution is there any information specifically about presidents and former presidents having “security” compared to any others.

  7. It is absurdly apparent that the SS knew he was a target- He has no real government protection- Those who are responsible are investigating the shooting-

  8. Has anyone noticed that the picture of the guy carrying the gun photo from the rear looks nothing like the picture of the guy shot on the roof . Very concerned about that !!

  9. There are people who are private citizens who are investigating the shooting with the sound of the gunfire. There are 4 different types of guns used and from 4 different locations. There may be 8 shell casings around Crooks on the scene but they may not be all spent shells. No one saw a picture of the shells. A lot of information about this doesn’t add up.

    • You mean the government can’t be trusted to give factual information? Oh, Cynthia, say it ain’t so. You mean like the pristine bullet found on the stretcher of JFK. You know, the same bullet that went through and hit Connally in the wrist. I know you don’t mean bullets like that. Ok, sarcasm done.

  10. Talk talk we all know about the elite and deep state they are rotten to core. What are we the people going to do about it? VOTE PRAY AND GET SMART figure out what we are going to do to stop them. More of us than them.

  11. In all reality, President Trump shouldn’t haven’t had his own security detail there for security because it is the Secret Service’s job to make sure that he was protected in a joint operation with local Law Enforcement and the Secret Servicve needs to be held accountable for their actions starting with Kimberly Cheatle for refusing to let the local Law Enfocement be there in the first place. Then anyone else that helped make that decision along with her also.

    • 140 yards? I got a hole in one with my 7 iron at that yardage, and this roof was not protected? This was the perfect spot for a shooter, and they knew it. The shooter got off 8 shots 16 seconds) before he was taken out And when I say “taken out” I mean there was no doubt that he was not going to be intergraded. YES, I think Mr. Trump needs people ( that he can trust) around him at all times, 24/7.

  12. Trump shouldnt have to spend money on his own protection. We PAY the SS to protect him and they need to do the job or get fired and hire someone that will do the job.

  13. My husband was a sniper in Vietnam and when he read the part about the comet saying that the roof is too dangerous because it was sloped he just started laughing

  14. President Trump needs to have a very highly sophisticated personal security team of about 100 men to be around him and the the entire premeter of any venue he is speaking at whether it be indoors or outdoors

  15. Democrats have a long ,jaded history ,of being anti Constitution and bill of rights . From the Democrats support of the KKK to their thirst for power . It is the Democrats that flooded America with illegals and the Trash OF The World for no other reason then to increase their power over “We The People'” I wish for the day that a Democrat Member Of Congress looses a member of their family at the hands of an Illegal

  16. Sounds like Secret Service needs some basic common sense, like if communication was difficult, use a loud dog whistle! Too bad the guy who spotted the shooter had whistled loudly, people and police would look at him and see him pointing to the roof.


  18. The more information of this event that comes to light the more I believe that this assisnation attemp was constructed higher up the Gov. chain then is being presented. As with most information connected to this Administration is being covered up or stated to be a conspiracy by the Republicans

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