A military lawyer made one confession that has Tim Walz ensconced in yet another major scandal

Tim Walz’s lies about his military service are catching up with him.  He found himself right back in the hot seat after another revelation.  And a military lawyer made one confession that has Tim Walz [...]


  1. We can be sure the Democrats’ Party hid his DUI conviction… if he even got one… was prolly ‘fixed’… Unlike evil lying Stolen Valor Tampon Timmie Walz, I’m a real war veteran.

    • He is again ‘caught with his pants down’! Lied by omission. He knew the penalty and did everything in his power to ‘sweep it under the rug’, with the help of ‘friends’. As for ‘discharge other than honorable’ – he is already so judged in my understanding. He lost all honor when he ‘abandoned’ his unit going into combat only to further his political endeavors and moral decline of the state of MN.

    • Bill Clinton was a draft dodger that Carter pardoned Being that he was as never to hold a political office
      Bill ran to Russia . There’s Hillary’s Russian connection. Hillary was fired from the DOJ for making up lies about Nixon.
      Yet the coward raping murdering bastard and his murdering Jezebel is still Destroying America.
      Only a brain dead fool would vote for a putrid vile thing as this man. But Think back to the debate when it was as Trump and Hillary. Kamala has Hillary in the ear piece . Every eye and head movement was exactly like Hillary’s.
      Ahab And Jezebel came from nowhere and the lies that people were told about these two are still believed by the many satanic fools they con. Obama was And is still illegal and so is this anchor baby whose parents owned and operated a real slave plantation. And by the way ! She’s not black ! She is India . And This man is definitely not American.
      All I can say. Only a demonic fool would vote or be taken in by these people who are created by lies That’s why people support Trump For over 50 years the press crowned him and every democrat was glad to take his money. There was nothing left to learn . But now those who took his money know he knows their closets. That’s why his enemies who once took from him want him dead. Politicians lives are covered up and we never hear about their scandals until it’s get too much to cover up.

    • Anybody who would vote for this man that required tampons in boys restrooms what is this world coming too??These people are sick and need way more than a tampon!

  2. I’m retired military and I was forced to act on any crimes and violation committed (military or civilian) of all my personnel. It would be an insult to those that had to suffer for even less minor situations and he get away. As far as I’m concerned the person has been receiving a government pension, with a senor rank, and will always be held to the standards of honor and respect when holding his right hand up and he swear to uphold in front of god and country and more than once….

  3. The problem is that today’s Democrats must lie.They are criminals,grifters and Communist involved with CCP and other Anti America entities

    • “Nobody’s Perfect taking the Harris over Trump Ticket Anyday no DUI or Lie can Overturn Jan 6 Debacle don’t fool yourselves in believing that because one night of getting Plastered/Hammered really??

      • The fact you cannot understand that J6 was the biggest lie the Demrats have ever told, as nearly half the USA population believed it, swallowed it hook line and sinker, more totally brainwashed idiots!

      • January 6 was an all made up riot by yours truly Nancy P cant you people see it for what it was and now they are trying to kill the guy because he wants another chance to put the country back together from what the Dems have done and I use to be one!!!

      • Are you brain dead? January 6 was nothing like the DemonRat party would have you believe.The father of all DemonRats is Satan himself,for he is the father of All Liars.A Vote for Commie Harris is a vote for the end of America.

      • Well only a fool ( God says you are a fool if you deny him ) Well she has denied God many times. Apparently you have a hearing problem. Or ! Are illegal. Better yet a soul problem ! And only one who hates God and this country would be willing to sacrifice the freedoms we have. Only this kind would vote for the one person who is telling you that she is about to put you into slavery. She is not a black person She is India . She also is not legal to be president or VP . Our law says . You must have at least one natural born legal citizen American parent. She has none .Obama is still using 3 dead peoples SS# ‘s . Ted Cruz was made to prove this one . But then again he is not on the demon side . Her parents and paternal (dad) grandparents owned and operated a real slavery plantation.Before she was dropped on our soil. Have the good sense ( if you have any ) to actually look up who she is .
        It’s always been the lesser of two evils to vote for. I grew up watching DC kiss the bum of Trump. Nothing has ever been left out about him. Democrats took his money .They know he knows their closets And all the players like Biden and Pelosi are where they are because of it. Ask yourself Why you know nothing about the rest of them. We only hear about their scandals when it gets to much to hide. It’s about saving America. It’s our people who are dying from this administration under the regime of death.
        As Americans we must stand against this woman who armed the IRS with guns .And that was her baby ! And she told all white people that when she got into our house She was going to their homes and give it to illegals and blacks . Just two weeks ago she did a interview on the boob tube with her husband. And said. Quote ! We must kill you children in order for ours to live ! Look up this ! Do your homework ! This regime and every democrat regime plus Bush’s has murdered more Americans in wars and poverty Than republicans ever . Trump never put us in a war. But the government stats just showed
        They have now made White Americans ( over 40 million ) the biggest group in America in poverty . While leading the war on its own citizens.
        It’s one thing to be ignorant about her But another to be completely blind


  5. All I can say is ! Every American that does not want to drop into Hell . You had better think about this Kamala the Illegal Nazi and this pervert .We must fight to keep this vile putrid evil man out of any of our government Ask? What fools ( God calls them fools as they deny him ) put him into office. As you can see they are all about satans agendas . As for me these elected fools are not my rulers or dictators
    We got the raping murdering Ahad and Jezebel because of the evil democrat Jimmy Carter ! Carter is close to death and is about to explain to God Why he gave us the most evil man and woman America had . Bill Clinton signed into law 3 days after taking office To cut the skull off of a baby in the womb and suck it’s brains out. This demon fool goes even further than Clinton. He wants all of Americans and their children murdered
    Bill Clinton was a draft dodger and fled to Russia to escape the seat There’s your Russian connection And because of Carter we still have those two interfering Hillary Clinton was fired from the DOJ for making up lies about Nixon.
    Have you ever met a democrat voter or politician that isn’t evil and doesn’t tell lies ? To this day I have never seen or heard of one. Just think ! If God opened up the ground and swallowed over 3000 people for one man’s disobedience Just think what size of the hole would be in DC . And every where a democrat or lying rino sits as well

  6. While i don’t agree with everything Trump wants to do, I definitely choose Trump’s choices over Harris’s choices since I Disagree with virtually everything Harris and her party stands for.

  7. As a former Sergeant of Marines, I find it unacceptable that Walz was allowed to continue his service. Also the fact that he “retired” just before his unit deployed, claiming he had no knowledge that a deployment was going to happen is B.S.! When I, and anyone I know no matter what service, was in we were ALWAYS aware of the timeframe for upcomming deplyments. The “man” is a liar and should not be allowed to serve in ANY form of office!

  8. He is a disgrace and get a dishonorable discharge. not fit to be a VP I am an ex-marine serving during the war Viet Nam

  9. Walz is an embarrasment, a liar and a fake! There is NO REASON he should be
    in public office or running on a National ticket. A total disgrace.

  10. Walz is a prime example of the old “Rules are for Thee, but not for Me” school that seems to dominate the Democrat Party. I can assure you that had any of us in the “grunt” category committed the offenses Walz did we would have been run through the mill to the max then shown to the door.

    Just check out the Democrat leadership in recent years! The Clintons, Biden, Obama, Walz, and a host of others, all got off the hook that would have hung anyone of the rest of us.

    Two standards of law and justice. One for them the other for We the Little People.

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