A Hollywood director confirmed that Kamala Harris has this terrible problem

Kamala Harris seems to be having difficulty when it comes to handling the pressure of the final days of a Presidential campaign. Her word salads and gaffes are becoming even worse than Democrats could have [...]


  1. Going “hard” on black men will backfire. They don’t want or need to be bullied or intimidated by someone like Obama. Bullying will just confirm what they already know…that their choice for Trump is the correct one.

  2. kammie is no more than a lame excuse as a Candidate. Let’s all get out to the vote, and eliminate this vile, airhead on November 5. Then she can be swept under the rug, and disposed into the black hole of failure that she helped engineer the last four years ! Down with harris, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, BOYS & GIRLS …

  3. Kamala is going to do so much for everyone but without changing one policy of her current administration’s failures. She must think that she’s a magician. She can’t even form intelligent sentences so how is she going to improve this chaos she has helped create? Besides there’s no such thing as an opportunity economy. Opportunity for the rich politician elites to seize more wealth and power.

  4. Trump already proved himself once in office and lowered unemployment across the broad for all races. No reason he can’t and no doubt he will do it again even with the deep state launching rockets at him at every turn. Hopefully he will have a Ŕepublican majority in both houses. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 💪

  5. I would like to know just what did Biden and Kamala do for black men. One big thing they did was allow millions of illegals to come into this country and take jobs away from them and raise the price of housing , food and gas. So don’t give me this stuff that she will do so much for the black man. Also, it has been proven that she is NOT black and lying about it to just get the black vote.

  6. I cannot stand it when other blacks tell me how to vote, like the color of my skin determines who I vote for. That’s not going to help. As a black American I will use my vote for the best candidate, not because their skin color is black. I’m honestly voting for Trump and so are my other black family members. Democrats don’t do anything to help blacks anymore. Sorry, not sorry.

  7. If Harris wins, kiss the good old USA good bye, along with all our freedoms. She will let China take over, or let Obama run the country like Biden has. They are all communists! Time to stand up and take our country back. GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP< PLEASE!!!

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