A grieving mother gave Jim Jordan one painful message that will wreck Democrats

Jim Jordan had one of the hardest days of his Congressional career. What he heard nearly broke him. And a grieving mother gave Jim Jordan one painful message that will wreck Democrats. Mother of 12-year-old [...]


  1. IT IS NOT COMPREHENSIBLE THAT THESE ANIMALS ARE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE US! The actions of Biden and Harris make them accessorys to murder. They both should be held responsible fpr accessory to murder and sentenced to life in prison.

    • Biden and Harris should both be arrested and held accountable for this horrific murder of an innocent young girl. Both should be removed from office immediately. Let’s make American Great Again. Enough is enough!

      • If Trump had had a live audience in that debate, one comment he made would have ended this election in a hilarious uproar. That was when he said her policy would sound like “See Spot run.” He hit that one out of the park!

        • Everybody and anybody involved in this wreckage of America and the constitution should be rounded up and imprisoned immediately if not sooner. Sorry but war has been declared and beating around the bush about it is only making it worse the longer it goes on.

    • We need a list of every violent crime that illegals commit in the US, victim’s name, age, type of crime, where committed, perpetrator’s name and where they are from. Also date they entered if possible and date the did it. Spread that list everywhere and keep it updated. Time to stop allowing K to claim illegals don’t commit crimes.

    • It’s plain and simple, Biden and Harris committed treason against this great country and allowed a foreign invasion to set foot on this cherished land.

    • If I am correct on this there are laws that would apply to your thoughts. If you were involved in a shooting but you were not the actual shooter you would be arrested as an accomplice to the crime. If I am correct Biden and Heelsup Harris assisted those criminals to run free and do as they wished in our country. That makes them accomplices to that crime of murder.

    • Problem, calvin, is with a Democratic congress – no one will be held responsible/accountable. All these illegals will ‘walk’ on any/all charges – innocent! Sinful as they are, they will not be prosecuted ‘to the fullest extent of the law’ as they should be. ‘Country’ justice is a joke. But if you are a Republican, BE CAREFUL. Democratic prosecutors will seek to do just that- to the fullest extent of the law. I.e., Donald J. Trump!

  2. Google has cut my ability to read any of the posts coming from your site.I can read the headline, but when I click on it to read the article, it doesn’t connect to the pages. Just thought you should know.

    • Sensorship is still going on Google. Switch to DuckDuckGo & that will not happen. This administration need to answered to the law, but not the liberal law.

    • Get a new g mail add. Been there & done that! Or try resetting to an earlier time! When the fight starts google will pay!

  3. Go to the White House TODAY and arrest all those who deliberately allowed this evil into our country then place them on trial for treason and crimes against humanity…!!

  4. This is really a spiritual war and until people start turning to the Lord, horrific things like this will continue to happen. It should be obvious which side the Democratic support!

    • I agree with you that there is a spiritual war for the very soul of America & her people. ” If my people, who are called by my name,will humble themselves and prayand seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. I Chronicles 7:14″. We must serious pray for our country! Pray for the leaders God will install. Pray that this election is not stolen through corruption!!!

  5. It hard for me to believe these type of things are going on. After fighting a war for our country. It’s reading stories like this that makes me want to arm myself and if I see them happening. Just shoot these animals in the head. They dont deserve a trial. I do blame not only Biden and Harris but the entire democratic establishment. For these things going on and every one of them are guilty for what is going on. They all knew that there party was cheating on the election. Biden didn’t win the election. It was not the citizens who put him in office. It was their cheating using illegals to get him in office and he should have been removed from office by the Supreme Court . There was enough proof to have stopped him from taking office. Not to mention that within a few months he had broken every promise he had made in the oath of office. The democrats will never impeach one of there own even knowing full well they are guilty. Remember they believe they are above our laws. This shows that there is no doubt that we need term limits. To keep them from getting this way. But I believe that the entire democratic party should be banned from holding any office whatsoever. All they care about is the power they get. The only ones they care about is themselves. Now im not talking about the voters of this party. They still believe the lies the democrats tell them to get elected. Just like global warming. The big lie here is its man made and they can fix it. The only one who can fix our weather is God himself . It doesn’t matter how much money they steal from us for this. They can not fix it. Just like the push for electric vehicles. One caught on fire this week and it took 50 thousand gallons of water to put it out. So now we need airplanes for car fires. What happens if a battery plant catches on fire. Stop believing their lies and vote them out of office now we can’t take another 4 years of this.

    • As I see it,the Democrat voters are either too stupid ,uninformed or they don’t care about America’s children being raped and killed by the animals

  6. When your government refuses to do the right thing to save their own people, this is the cause for people forming vigilante groups! I always thought vigilanties where awful but now I think we need them and our government is awful!

  7. I believe in God but when people accuse criminals and murderers not being Christians or believing it’s just wrong even Christians and Believers can commit crimes I’m not defending them these people these two guys and any other illegal alien who killed and American needs to be hung and Joe Biden and Harris and his administration needs to be held accountable and every Democrat in Congress who let Joe Budden get away with this crime they all need to be held accountable these are our children that are being killed I think Trump is right these countries are sending their worst citizens to America we need to shut down the Border and we need Trump to finish the wall

  8. Not just being accountable. They need to stand trial in a conservative court, like they are doing to Pres. Trumps trials in Liberal courts. They need to be found guilty and hung for treason. All of them. Especially Comrade Kamala, Joe Biden, Tampon Tim, and Stick-up-her-ass Pelosi. Especially that old bitch. Who the hell does she think she is? She 100 years old. Someone should just trip her. When she goes down, she’ll be done.

  9. I agree that Biden, Harris, Schumer, Waters, Pelosi Booker, Obama, Clinton, aoc and all involved should have the death penalty

  10. Problem, calvin, is with a Democratic congress – no one will be held responsible/accountable. All these illegals will ‘walk’ on any/all charges – innocent! Sinful as they are, they will not be prosecuted ‘to the fullest extent of the law’ as they should be. ‘Country’ justice is a joke. But if you are a Republican, BE CAREFUL.

  11. Joe Biden and Kamala do not want people to talk about the border or the economy because they made a miss of it and not are trying to say it was Donald Trump problem not there’s We all know who was at fault it was the Biden administration. How can anyone with a good mind even think about vetoing for Harris for president with there record

  12. Just goes to show you if somebody is a democrap they will vote democrap even if they come out and burn your house down says:

    are you scared to show the Post because your democrap buddies will get mad

  13. Just goes to show you if somebody is a democrap they will vote democrap even if they come out and burn your house down says:

    anybody that votes democrap should be put in jail also

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