A Google whistleblower is pulling back the curtain on what really happened with last week’s major cyber crisis

The day after the Republican National Convention, a massive cyber failure wrought havoc on the world. Microsoft and CrowdStrike were at the center of it all and refuted the idea that it was a deliberate [...]


  1. As always, the Leftists pigs and their cohorts on the lying social media as partisans for the Left. These big boy assholes that own the social media complex (MS, Google, etc.), however, they will be completely destroyed after the election!

  2. IT personal with any knowledge about coding would test and re-test any update on an off-line system before implementing.

  3. There is more evil to come, and DEVILs took over our country for more power. Lord, help all people and the ones who stand for this bait.

  4. Kookamongo bada bing Caca Chubaca Cap’n Crunch CocoPup muchacho Tonto Kemosavage quinta poapatoma rikshaw tattertoe peabrains chop-chop baddaboom bingbong!
    We say; you crazy tech giants believe themselves to be judge & jury, despite, that they popped out of a woman’s mortal portal just as the rest of us have; no dang difference, Sancho’s Whooptiti-doo insane membrain’s go eat your wheaties and then Shut your big mouth’s of how much more Superior (rear) you are than U.S. god bless america! & our troops, veteran’s, mama’s daddy’s & the kiddy’s! GranMas, & granPas, aunt’s & uncle’s yellow, red, blank & white! Peace & love to all! ( if i didn’t mention you)

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