A French socialist just demanded America return the Statue of Liberty and MAGA patriots had this perfect response
Three Key Takeaways: A French socialist, Raphaël Glucksmann, demanded that the U.S. return the Statue of Liberty, citing President Trump’s “America First” agenda and his refusal to blindly fund foreign conflicts, particularly in Ukraine. MAGA [...]
WHY do they write articles on French nutcases? We have plenty here already…
They can’t stand it Trump is taking back to America from other countries
I think just after we return the Statue of Liberty to France we should return France to Germany.
LOL !!!!!!!!
Return them to Germany would be just the first thing, Then send the bill for the building of the base it sits on, then all the costs for all the years of maintaining it, then the cost of the recent restoration of it and last but not least the military cost of saving their country in WW2. Maybe put another thing in French people are not allowed in the US anymore. OH ,,, if they come to get it they are not allowed on US soil.
Not only that but that boatload of gold we gave France after WWII to rebuild their country.
When I was a kid, we had an inappropriate, politically incorrect expression of “Indian Giver.” Obviously, we have not used that for many years as we are now enlightened. Conveniently, we can now replace it with “French Giver.”
Send it back in pieces with postage due. Then erect a statue of President Trump after he was hit by the bullet in an attempted assassination
i agree with the Babylon bee. we will trade the statue of liberty for all of the french land we rescued from the germans during world war two! we will trade even. i believe that would be the whole country of france? F the global elitists!!!! and the democrooks!!
President Trump should be sending a letter to all countries that America has given money to. Its time to pay up. You decide that you turn your backs on America then you own America a lot of money for protecting your butts from the Nazis. Trillion dollars from every country America has helped and help rebuild their countries. Keep listening to Soros, Black Rock and the democrats. You will never get another dime from America. The American people have suffered so you countries could have more than the American people. No more. Take your hate and lies and ask Iran, China or other communists countries for help. Live under their rules of oppression. England your people have lived under your oppression for years. You put your people last over your illegals in your country. When some countries tried to take over your country just remember how nasty you were to America. The door is shut. Your on your own. Obama trained you well to betray your own people and your country. No more money. Good luck! You will need it.
Any country that thinks we should continue to fund the world and bankroll foreign wars and leave our borders open to criminals and illegal immigrants and pay for everybody else’s wish lists are enemies, leeches or just plain stupid. This goes for Americans who believe this as well. Listen up radical left. If you want open borders, out of control spending on ridiculous and worthless projects and whatever else your warped minds can come up with, funding of foreign wars and handing out money indiscriminately to the whole world then you don’t care about your country and it’s future. You don’t care about your children your grandchildren or anything that matters to real Americans who love this country. We’re tired of the radical left and their warped agenda. shumer, cortez, pelosi and the rest. It’s time to go. Take your unearned income( in the millions) and just GO!
Don’t give the french the time of day. Ungrateful, unfriendly non allies. They would have been speaking German TWICE as a German province if it weren’t for the US. You remember WWI, WWII. The radicals on the left want us to forget and don’t want children to be taught history. They’re more concerned with fostering race hatred and gender politics. Their last five years of watching moderates and conservatives and even liberals scared to say anything out of fear was sickening. Watching radicals call everything and anything hate speech trying to shut people up. Chipping away at first and second amendment rights while even those in their own party stayed silent out of fear. I pray it’s finally over and the pendulum is finally swinging back to moderate liberal and conservative values and decency. President Trump is doing exactly what MOSTLY ALL AMERICANS WANT! Secure boarders, out of foreign wars and meddling in foreign affairs, energy independence, return of manufacturing and skilled labor to OUR country, take care of our sick our homeless our hungry our children our interests first. Joe Biden was a young white racist in the 70s and 80s and he’s an old white racist now who sold his soul to the a radical left agenda led by criminals pretending to be politicians who hated America. No question the worst president in the history of this nation. I hope decent Americans from both parties and all walks of life continue to elect leaders who are fiscally responsible and who put America first, which by the way, is not a crime.
Don’t sugarcoat it. 😛
To the smug French who allowed their country to be defeated by Hitler with some then working with the Fascists:The US freed you on D-Day after losing many soldiers-COME AND TRY TO GET IT BACK!!