A doctor dropped one bombshell about Joe Biden that confirmed the worst

The White House refuses to tell the truth about Joe Biden’s health. But they can’t keep it a secret from the public forever. And a doctor dropped one bombshell about Joe Biden that confirmed the [...]


  1. For 3 years someone else has been running the country. We are in danger every day that Biden is President. He must be taken down now.

  2. This was not really unknown PRIOR to the last election. Biden exhibited signs of cognitive issues even then such as not knowing which STATE he was campaigning in!

    But, what have our “brave defenders” and the gutless two-faced cowards in the GOP actually done about it?

    Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

    AND, keep in mind, the Democrat/Communists are going to run braindead Joe again or another stooge of their choice AND they STILL OWN THE VOTE!! Nothing has been done about election fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING.

    You won’t be seeing Biden on the ballot again. What you will be seeing is really BARACK THE MUSLIM/COMMUNIST OBAMA – AGAIN.

    WE HAVE NO DEFENDERS ON THE SIDE OF CONSTITUTIONAL AMERICA ANY MORE!! Many of us – MILLIONS – have been screaming the warnings but nobody in a position of power has listened. If Trump loses again and there will be MILLIONS of illegal voters voting against him, then RIP, USA.

      • Joe Biden’s family, especially Dr. Jill, are complacent with their love with power and privilege , their lust for being in the spotlight and continuing with the elder abuse and disregard for a human beings life. They are not good people and refuse to acknowledge their own flesh and blood granddaughter, Navy. How can they stand before we the American people and ask us to re-elect these ingrates.

    • So very true, and so very sad. Republicans seem to be just the lesser of two evils. So sad for our constitutional republic

    • They’ve been too busy trying to frame Trump. Can’t win anything fair and square. God will judge them.

  3. The Democraps knew Biden was senile when they ran him for president in 2020. I knew he was senile. Now there’s no denying it. His decline in 3 years is shocking and alarming. Who’s really running the show? It’s not Joe Biden. He belongs in a nursing home.

  4. Folks, plain and simple…..Joe Biden is the most corrupt, inept, and senile President in the entire history of the United States of America !! You folks who can not see and understand that are either deaf, dumb, or blind !! No one is more blind than he/she who refuses to see !! Trump may not be the perfect man but he sure as hell is more perfect than Sleepy Joe !!

  5. I wonder how long Jill will stay with Joe once he loses the election. Most of us know she doesn’t give 2 cents about him. Only about the power being married to him brings her.

  6. We know they are all on the same page . Having over 42 people that I have taken care of with Alzheimer’s/ dementia. In medical facilities and home . My late husband of 57 yrs being my last one . I spent 24 hours a day in hell taking care of him for 4 yrs. Where is the real doctors. Alzheimer’s/dementia starts at least 15 yrs before it gets to the stage he was in 2020 . Anyone who has dealt with this knows The person can’t read or write or have a cognitive conversation . I suspect he has been in a coma or no longer with us. I wonder how many they have used to con America with . And there only being 7 stages Biden was in the late stage of 6 when they put him in our house. And The half Black illegal is the voice in the earpiece . All of these horrors they are doing is the continuation of Obama’s destruction when they put him in . Ask: why Biden’s entire cabinet is everyone of those who were Obama’s Administration?
    Look a likes ! There’s no telling how many they have . It would explain his different behaviors. This has been the plan all along . To put Obama or Hillary into our house as our dictators
    Never in our history have we had elected morons to declare their desires for the murder of its citizens on the national stage . Democrats do this every time they get in front of the camera. All I can say is you better get ready for the spilling of not only the innocent blood among us . But yours is next ! Because it’s their entire agenda . Only a fool believes a democrat is working for Americans. Ask ? Why there agendas are for illegals and other countries While they kill Americans.

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