A Democrat revolt left Kamala Harris in this bad spot heading toward the election

Kamala Harris thought Democrats were unified behind her campaign.  But she got a wake-up call that hit her like a ton of bricks.  And a Democrat revolt left Kamala Harris in this bad spot heading [...]


  1. Kamala does not have a clue on what she is doing. She cannot answer any questions presented to her. She answers everything in word salad. She is nothing but a puppet on a long string. She is the most incompetent person to ever run for any political office.

  2. If Kamala wins the Muslim alliance, she will lose her Jewish support which has a bigger voter base here in the USA. So it is a terrible situation either way. PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!! Kamala is 100% INCOMPETENT!!!! She is a puppet of someone.

  3. Why ask me to vote on a question you post and don’t let me see the results? You direct me to the comments section.

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