A Congressman’s bombshell revelation about the New Jersey mystery “drones” knocked Donald Trump’s socks off

The public is searching for answers about the mystery drones.  A House Republican thinks he stumbled across the answer.  And a Congressman’s bombshell revelation about the New Jersey mystery “drones” knocked Donald Trump’s socks off. [...]


  1. Yes these drones are from China. The bushes ,Clinton’s, Obama and bidens have sold out the UNITED STATES to our foreign enemies to line their own pockets.

    • You are so right Lawrence! Thank goodness God already knows what is going on & he will take them down.

  2. Biden is already on China’s payroll. I believe that he seriously padded his bank balance with payments for the balloon and drone overflights.

    • I personally think this is How Biden got money from China. We Need to take back any land that China bought in our Country and stop them from ever buying again ! Only American citizens should be able to buy American land !

      • Totally agree and pray after January 20th, all land purchased by China should be rescinded immediately and sold only to Americans.

  3. The land China bought is being used to accept parts and pieces of drones so they could be assembled right here. What else are they bringing in in pieces to be assembled here?

  4. The second biggest lie the Biden Admin. has told is they “DON’T KNOW WHAT THEYY ARE”. The fact that several Generals have gone on the record tells you everything you need to know. They just want to allow the US to be spied on and claim stupidity. The only stupidity is the people left that would VOTE a lying POS Democrat.

  5. The “ government” says they don’t know where the drones are from. I call that total B.S. ! They know where they are from, they know everything else, why are the drones a “ mystery”? Just like the Chinese soy balloon they allowed to fly over our military installations and didn’t shoot it down till it was over the ocean! Our country is not safe because our “ fake” President wants our country destroyed, according to the Soros/ Obama agenda! Biden should be dragged out of the White House by his withered testicles and put in jail, no bail, no outside communication, and charge him an all his cohorts with treason! Have a military tribunal and execute them!

  6. Lots of enemies out there which China is a big one. Americans including Congress better get on the same page as President or we will find ourselves victims with no freedoms at all. We have many UnAmericans, Traitors that must all be exposed and tried for Treason.

    • So true that there are many people in this country within the last four years that are traitors to America. Within our own government many have committed treason against it. Many government officials low and high have sold out to China or other countries that are not friendly to the U.S.. I hope and pray Trump can fully drain the swamp during his next four years. Throughout history many great forms of government have fallen from within because of corruption.

  7. your all wrong, its our own military elite watch dana carvey and david spade with dr.steven greer. on youtube. its way worse than you can ever imagine.

  8. Plane’s are not allowed to fly over military base’s, so why is this administration allowing these drone’s to continue flying over our base’s?! Shoot them down, verify their country of origin, and then publicly confront them.. Common sense needs to be utilized, as these drone’s are being used to spy on our military base’s and I have no issue saying they are from China and that Iran may be assisting them, since they have become allies.

    • They all operate on specific frequencies so why are we not dialing in and taking control of them form different locations. All we need is one, best to get 3, to determine who is operating them. Maybe its our own military or government spying on us, shades of George Orwells book, “1984”!

  9. With the known chumming up to the Chinese Communist government by the Biden Administartion, the reluctance of bringing down the Chinese spy baloon until it had done its job, and all the highly suspected business dealings between them and the Joe Biden administrtion, all benefiting Joe Biden, it would not surprise me to see Chinese Drones being launched from near military base sites to monitor, record, or even interfear with our military operations. It’s well known that the Chinese are not that good at developing new technology but once they get it they steal it and duplicate it over and over agian. Any other administation would be all over this as an intrusion into our airspace and given that 9/11 was a national tragidy, this should be a high priority discovery event. But no, we are more interested in supporting WOKE, Gay, BLM, giving pardons and commutations, hard core criminals, allowing Muslim take overs of certain parts of our nation, and giving away high civilian medals by the dozens which only cheapened them. All I can say is I sure hope we survive the next 17 days of Biden Revenge on the USA.

  10. I believe Biden is aware of china drones in usa.he is paid to keep his mouth shut by china.trump.cant take over the white house soon enough.all democrats are preforming treason

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