A CNN host made one confession about Joe Biden that no Democrat will speak about in public

Joe Biden finally left the Presidential race under heavy pressure from Democrats.  But there are major questions about his health and why he passed the torch to Kamala Harris. And a CNN host made one [...]


  1. Democrats coup Biden. They tried it with President Trump and lost. But they had too secrets and told Biden they will use it against him. They blackmail Biden. You watch Obama’s husband will be running for President. The democrats have lied about everything. Obama just wants to finish off America if any democrat gets into the Oval office. Biden was not elected. He was put in by fraud. Now they are done using him for open borders and trying to destroy the constitution and the country they are go to next idiot Harris that they know they can completely control. The justice system lets them get way with a coup. America has become a third world country with corrupt elections, government, justice system and lying about everything good in America. They use blm and antifa to destroy cities. They brought in illegals to finish off the cities alright dying from democrat’s regulations. The lock up American people for praying but Hamas supporter are allowed to get into the capital building and burn American flag and yell dead to America. Joe Biden and Obama do nothing. You the American people better wake up. If you thought Biden was bad and evil wait to see , Harris will be double that and more.

  2. If they were going to use the 25th amendment to forcibly remove him from office. Then he shouldn’t stay in office and the know it. Every damn one of the power hungry pieces of sh_t should be removed from office for letting him stay in office.

    • I totally agree ! Well I’m sure you read where Obama is behind all of this ? Obama was trying to be vice president ! But thank God for the 25th amendment

    • I guess having a Manchurian president is just what Gates and those others in the swamp would be able to control…Our forefathers and those brave, heroic soldiers, who fought to keep our way of life, are rolling over in their graves and if they were here today would do just what they did to England to this farce of politicians who are only after their own greed

  3. The only thing Kamala is good at is cackling and lying! If she gets elected, we might as well pack up and move out of country.

    • For those of us who can’t afford to move out of the country, may I suggest arming yourselves? The democrats are hell bent on destroying this country. We should at least be able to protect ourselves. Just saying.

  4. Somehow the least popular VP EVER is an overwhelming sensation. Without 1 vote for her, not 1. All Joe Bidens’ money goes to her and wala we’ve got a fake nominee. Press – wake the f*** up!!!

    • You are so right they disenfranchised their own voters when they pulled this stunt and made her the nominee without one vote and only the delegates. But yet it’s the republicans who are destroying democracy.

  5. I am not a Joe Biden fan. That said please listen to my feelings on the matter of his serving a term as president.
    I have voted Democratic more than Republican. Any person that has ANY compassion for a president should demand that everyone that stated that Mr. Biden was capable of serving as president should be held accountable for the devious falsehoods they expressed. The man was and is incapable of serving in any capacity in a leadership role. Kamala, Jill, and any senator, representative or staff shoud be accountable! Our nation security has taken a hit, and our world-wide standing has become suspect.

  6. Why doesn’t the cackling euddenly STOP cackling? Fake then even faker now.

  7. Wake up America! Believe your eyes not the press! What you see is what you get and it ain’t pretty, its a sham government run by Obama and his ilk. They are in it to destroy US! Why should one man have so much power?

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