A campaign aide accidentally exposed this big lie by Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris reinvented herself politically for this election.  She hasn’t been honest with voters about what she really believes.  And a campaign aide accidentally exposed this big lie by Kamala Harris.  Kamala flip flops on [...]


  1. I have repeatedly said Kamala won’t BAN fracking, but she will regualte it to death. AND, SHE WILL NOT ALLOW FURTHER PERMITS TO FRACK! Just like when reporters ask her about finishing the Border Wall, she never says she will build the Wall. She says she will follow the law and make a pathway for citizenship of illegals. So, listen closely to what she says, SHE TELLS US EXACTLY WHAT SHE WILL DO AND WHO SHE IS!!

    • You have to know that’s BS!!! She’s a very dishonest person & worse VP we ever had, she’s trying to destroy us & our country, WAKE UP!!!!!! 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🇺🇸

  2. The bottom line is that Harris will do whatever she needs to do to get elected. After the election, she will revert to her previous beliefs. Think about the big picture of her working with foreign leaders. She will be a push-over for them. Harris has been a liar from the beginning…a leopard cannot change their spots, neither will Harris. She allowed millions of illegals to enter our country only to increase the democrats voter base and the base for changing our government basis for representatives. A vote for Harris is a vote to kill our current way of life.

  3. Kamala Harris is a LIAR an if elected do all she can to completely destroy our energy companies making housing an car gas more expensive she is a far left candidate an will be far left president if elected so if you want higher inflation an freebies to illegals vote for Harris

  4. Seems most of the replies here are no doubt hitting the nail on the head. Harris is part of the One World Order. At least 90% of her Campaign funds have come from those Globalist. I do believe if elected she will decimate the US and destroy the Constitution. They, Biden and her, allowed illegal Immigration for one purpose to gain control of the US by these people owing their allegiance to them.

  5. Lies upon lies. She’s a drunkard. Hasn’t done NADA in her 3 and a half years but cackling all the time. Woman is store bought hussie. Raised kids .. another bs story. Why doesn’t she get beaten up by dougie poo

  6. She’s illegitimate in running for president. Calling Jill “dr” is an insult to the medical profession also.

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