A Border Patrol chief made one shocking confession that has Kamala Harris going berserk

The Biden-Harris border crisis had been one of the biggest catastrophes of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ reign of destruction. Now the Democrat Vice President’s true role in the crisis is being exposed.  And a [...]


  1. Harris is just a joke. She is the perfect democratic candidate. Stupid, talks from both sides of her mouth, completely and totally incompetent. Yep, perfect democratic candidate.

    • Trapping Harris is Bidens own escape route.
      A very unsympathetic way at the hand-wash made by the Presidents conspiracy team in order to save President Biden, the most inept American President since the beginning of Republic.

  2. The Border Czar did nothing to stem the flow of Illegal Immigrants in the country. Being someone who came here legally I call them as I see them.

    • Then why has the rate of illegal border crossings dropped during the Biden Harris administration? You could look it up!

      • I think you need to learn how to read numbers unless you are from the woke generation and didn’t get taught math in school because you are wrong.

        • Wow! This has got to be the very first time I ever heard the numbers of these illegals down versus thru the ceiling . We are in a crisis of untold proportions with the threats of terrorists , cartels members , and potential bombings and also fentanyl overdoses destroying our young people . When are people going to wake up and see the light of day . We must close the borders or destroy our country.

      • This is a ploy to Americans and to the lying print we read and see on TV. The democrats will say and do anything to cover there lies, lies and more lies.

      • Before Biden/Harris immigrants were less than 1,000,000. In the last 31/2 years it’s over 11,000,000. You’ve been reading bullshit

      • You are DELUSIONAL as the numbers show that they are equaling what we have had from the last 10 presidents in ILLEGAL PEOPLE numbers

      • There are over 11 million that have come across our borders including murderers, criminals, etc. since the current administration has been in power. I’m not sure where you are getting your numbers from but you definitely need to do your research!

      • How stupid can you be?? Biden opened the border and Harris endorsed the move migrants are flooding in they did not under Trump so go stand in the corner cause you are F’n stupid

  3. It just shows you that the Democrats in all offices of Government don’t care about us the citizens.

  4. What BORDER CZAR????, THE Democrats are incompetent LIARS BUT there is Hope….Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior…Jesus said put your Worried on me…I will take care of it. That will take care of it…Glory to God!!

    • We also have a duty to choose the right leaders for our country. I’m sick of my fellow Christians claiming that we don’t need to do anything because “God’s in control.” Yes, He’s in control, but He gives US control of choosing our leaders, and holds us responsible for the fallout if we fail to do that and our country becomes Godless. (2 Chronicles 7:14) There’s also the negative side of that promise in 2 Chronicles–that if we DON’T do what we can to ensure that we have the right leaders in place, we can’t expect God to go to bat for us.

    • Amen. It’s all in God’s hands. We still have to battle the evil. To me the Democrats support everything that is of Satan. We know what they are doing! They have used Fact Checkers, CIA, FBI and the law to attack their political opponent and others that have gone against their beliefs. As Christians we are the ones that have to fight for our rights! Democrats are destroying democracy while saying the Republicans will destroy it! Every election the democrats have accused the Republican nominee of being a nasi or ohittlor… another thing happening is our freedom of speech is being attacked… Everything has to be politically correct. Some sites will not let you spell those words correctly so I spell them wrong so can put them in chat). We should be able to talk about anything in History. Silencing freedom of speech about what happened in Germany isn’t good! I feel like we are actually seeing history repeat itself. People don’t think Americans could go through what Germany People went through but we can see the Propaganda machine at work! Soros is buying up media so he can control what people hear! That is dangerous! I have to have faith in God that everything that is happening is part of his plan. I believe all of this is setting us up for the New World Order… I always wondered why world peace would be the end but now it’s easy to see… the NWO will be built on Power and Greed! the name ORDER explains it well… People will be controlled.

  5. Instead of securing our country, they have thrown us to the wolves. We need to get rid of her and all anti Americans in power.

  6. Harris was a joke as Vice President and will continue be a joke at whatever she does, the USA certainly don’t need a joke as President

  7. Giggles Harris is a joke. Between Sleepy Joe and Giggles Harris there is no common sense or real leadership that we should expect from the President and Vice President.

    • When I arrived to the USA, all legal requirements made for immigration were obeyed 100%.
      If the law is instead ignored now by the very US immigration authorities, the next US President has every right to hire a new group of people to replace those who broke the law. Law is law! Not a bunch of toy paragraphs.No court and no judge can tolerate to be made fun of. That would undermine the system and the importance and very meaning of law and the very US constitution.

    • I don’t know about you, but I feel much farther from destruction than I did when tRump was “in office.” More like “on golf course”.

      • Then Bonnie N., you surely arent paying attention. There are Russian warships less than 90 miles from our borders, China and Russian fighter jets are entering our air space and thousands of military aged men without wives or families are illegally entering our country daily. The middle east is in turmoil, Russia has invaded Ukraine and is threatening other bordering countries, and yet you feel farther from destruction? There was NONE of this happening 4 years ago…Peace thru strength is the answer and as long as dems are in charge, we have neither peace or strength.

  8. I don.t get it. who are these people that complain about no info from Biden or Kamala. Don.t they have phones and other people they can call to see what should be done. Some one must have known what Kamala was supposed to do and when. as we now know, that the flow was supposed to be stopped at some point in 2021. The people working the boarder agency for Biden and Kamala should all be fired. They’re saying that we should expect them to do the job, when we well know now they are just collecting a salary, What happened to doing your job when the bosses are a bunch of ne’er do wells and taken the task on to warn other government people about the boondoggle going on t the border.

    • The number of immigrants crossing the border illegally dropped to a fraction of what they were when tRump was “in office” and the numbers deported is huge compared to, again, tRump.

  9. Put the blame where it belongs! Kamala Harris and supposed President Biden!
    Those border agents were overwhelmed and if you didn’t realize that then you had your head in the sand! Border Czar, my foot! I wonder who she will blame for such a miscarriage of justice? If I was an immigrant that did all the right things to become a LEGAL citizen, I would be ripping mad!

  10. Cackling Kamala is an idiota; a dumbkopf. Her IQ can’t be much higher than her shoe size. Heaven forbid that she ever becomes president. She’ll be worse than dopey Joe, if that’s even possible.

    • Just wondering, then, how VP Harris managed to be a top prosecutor. Dummies can’t do that successfully, and she was very successful.

      • Because she F her way up!!! I’m from the Bay Area and we would see her and married Willie Brown at nice restaurants and Kamala had her hands under the table playing with Willie’s willy! It was shameful and very uncomfortable for the other patrons!!! She screwed her way into every job she got and as soon as she got the job she did a very poor job or corrupt job and was always looking to go to a higher position! She has never worked to get a job she has flat backed her way up the ladder. She held men in prison longer than their sentences for cheap labor for Calif. working on fire lines. She had information on a man she put on death row that would exonerate him when she was D A of Calif. She had to be forced to turn over the information!! She is always looking out for her numbers to make her look good, not for the people she is suppose to serve! THIS is what you want for the President of the United States? I want my President to work for me the people. Good luck Bonnie

  11. This is not news. The incompetent flake Harris has done absolutely nothing but disgrace the American people for the past 4 years. What do you expect form a political whore who slept her way into the White House by being Willy Browns consort.

  12. My god you are the people that made my life Hell I don’t like Harris at all but your leader is a fool what is wrong with you all

  13. The President n V President are in office to serve this country,,, not get rich n become as powerful as possible… They are not Gods.. They should have common sense, strength, some wisdom to run the country in our best interest.. mediate when necessary, for the good of the US.. Help others when we can yes.. but don’t put us at risk or in danger to do it as Biden has.. Even our farmers, small business, being oil independent on our own , he took so much away.. Karmela will be No better.. At least Trump puts America First.. Even if he does have a mouth..

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