What this illegal alien did to a girl in Virginia within four days of being released from jail will make your blood boil
Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats created the worst illegal immigration crisis in recent history. Open borders now threaten the safety and security of every single American citizen. And what this illegal alien did to [...]
Treasonous pos Biden should hang
Well if nothing else he should be fired immediately on numerous grounds – one being so demented he doesn’t even know what he’s saying half the time.
Biden,Harris and Obama should go to prison for life with no parole!!
Are you serious? All three of these “criminals” would be fed, get medical care, counseling, daily exercise and group therapy all on us…the American tax payers! Send them to Guantanamo, Cuba for life.
But first, manual no anesthesia castration.
How about facing a Noose hanging from a Tall Oak Tree!
RIght beside the Perpetrator!
Democrats consider this normal behavior… and laws don’t apply to Jokementia’s remaining stoner son Hunter…
Democrats and their voters should be charged as accessories to every murder!
Absolutely! However we know he won’t and especially after pardoning Hunter. Now he’ll pardon himself
That would too kind. May the rotten, traitorous prick burn in hell!!!!!
first confiscate ALL of the biden families money and properties and sell it to compensate the victims of his vicious anti American policies. maybe leave 1 modest home for Jill. take away his retirement and anything that could generate income in the future other than an honest job. this should apply to every biden adult as they all benefitted from his heinous policies!!!
With many others of his ilk.
Execute them ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The democrat’s brought this upon us. The death penalty must be practiced. Read Deut. 19.15 to the last vs. why is there to be an adequate punishment.
I think Biden, and Harris his border czar, should have charges brought against them their border polices are the casue of these illegal criminals running wilde in our country. Harris should never be allowed to run for any office, local state or federal. We should also look into all the funds Hunter received and follow their trail. Im sure some of the money winds up in presiden Bidens accounts.
Biden will go down in history as the worst president and her as the vice president!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Far!!! Bar None!
Democrats would still vote for her with a ‘D’ after her name…
Which should then lead to felony charges.It doesn’t matter if he is now incopetent to defend himself in court. He was competent when he took the mnoney just like when he illegally removed classified documents.
I agree completely. To think our government is complacent in this is absolutely ridiculous! The Dems think of the illegals as more important than our fellow citizens…
Not for LONG!!!!!
every Illegal Alieen need to be deported or face life in prison
then face the death by hanging
TOTALLY Agree Bill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No mercy for these Criminals!
Group hangings for all. None of the life sentences for these all terrorists that includes diaperjoe and cacklingcamelbitch along with all of their commie butt buddies. Includes hussein, hellery, blowjobbilly and the rinos that are traitors too. MERRY CHRISTMAS
why should the American Taxpayer pay to keep them in prison? tattoo them on the forehead and deport them. if they come back illegally give them the death penalty. give ALL the illegal aliens 30 days to go back across the border voluntarily and the ones that do might be eligible to apply for legal entry after 6 months
Why aren’t Biden and Harris not accessories to these crimes?
They ARE !!!
before the fact
How was this guy released why wasn’t he deported even a legal immigrant here on a Visa has to leave when he commits a crime these Democratp judges and politicians should really be ashamed of themselves
If one of US had done the things Biden has done, we would be tried for treason, found guilty and executed. In Biden’s own words, ‘No one is above the law”. Biden is not going to do that but hopefully Trump will see the merits of what need to be done.
“No one is above the law” obviously just another of Jokementia’s LIES !
ICE says 175,000 military aged men from CCP are in the U. S. 100 have illegal entry on to our military bases.
Any illegal who is caught attacking any US citizen or any foreigner waiting to come here LEGALLY should be hog tied and his ass whooped before being locked in prison. These gang members have the run of our country and they know they can do whatever they want and no consequences will be brought against them. They should be beaten for their crimes against innocent people. Our laws have to make sure they don’t get away with this ANYMORE! It’s disgusting and it’s wrong on so many levels. I would prefer they get the death penalty instead of send them back to their country because they will only sneak back here again. They come here wanting hand outs, this country isn’t a free market. Go back to your shit hole you came out of. Murder is murder and attacking anyone to cause terrible disfigurement should be considered the same punishment period! Illegals are not acting like human beings they are worse then wild animals, they should be euthanized.
You are so right! New York and other states that release these animals back into society are just as guilty of the crimes the illegals committed!
That DEMOCRAT Party should be got out of this along with those illegals and be severely Punished if any of them ever same back into this Country !! Biden and that vice President should be put into Jail for crimes against the American People !!
Tell illegal immigrants if they don’t self deport out of America and are deported by our legal system they will NEVER be allowed back and in will be denied any chance for citizenship.
There is a large, strong Oak tree in front of my house – it is beautiful. Put a strong sturdy rope over a low branch with a noose and man in the noose, and no citizen will ever be raped again. Got it?