This video of an unhinged Maxine Waters ranting about Elon Musk and Mars will have you rolling on the floor

86-year-old Maxine Waters (D-CA) is one of the biggest Trump haters in the Democrat Party.   Waters has a long history of spewing unhinged rhetoric and making dumb statements on national television.   But this [...]


  1. Maxine Waters is a totally insane. How does she keep getting voted back in? She should be arrested for calling for violence against Republicans. Are the elections in California rigged? You people in California can’t be that stupid. 86 years old? She needs a nursing home.

  2. I was raised you are to respect your elders but tell me how the hell you gona respect this evil dingbat ???? Maxine Waters truly believes your money is her money……..this is what happens to your brain when you steal and don’t get caught… keep stealing and the more you get away with the more you justify what you’re are doing as being right. With all do respect….this elderly idiot in her ranting protest against DOGE efforts for We the people said this one truth and I quote “We wanta use our money right here in Washington DC. That explains the origin of all the rage – RETIRE Maxine you can’t take it with you!!!!!!!!!

  3. I totally agree how can these haters of Trump and this country be voted back into office constantly term after term. Yeah California liberal Democrats must be idiots or the voting process is so rigged that can’t be stopped. How can anybody not find what Musk is doing absolutely crucial to our economy and our national debt. It is ridiculous what they are condoning spending our taxpayer dollars for. Not only is it ridiculous but in my opinion it’s treasonous. If they really hate this country that bad or what Donald Trump is doing to flush out all the greed and Corruption, then why don’t they just leave. Because they’re not that stupid enough to know that there isn’t any country better, but they want to destroy this one…unbelievable. I’m sick of these lying whining idiots. I wish they could all just be fired!

  4. She is about the worst in congress. She needs to be thrown for threatening everyone, and a liar every word she screams. Worthless, has only done three things in 27 years, and this is what sits in our gov, sucking up the pay offs and kick backs. She is nothing but true hate and riot rallying. Worthless waste of time.

  5. Just looking at the contrived out line of her district shows who she supposedly represents and how she keeps in power. She has been in power since 1991 term limits sure do matter but only if used.

  6. Crazy Maxine is like a before character in a Geritol commercial. Senility is one of the newer Democrat/KKK/Communist Party requirements to hold elected office

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