Pete Hegseth was horrified after he discovered this secret about Senate Democrats
Pete Hegseth is having his name dragged through the mud by Democrats. He’s discovering who he can trust from his old career. And Pete Hegseth was horrified after he discovered this secret about Senate Democrats. [...]
I have said this for a long time now that the Democrats would lie, cheat and steal to keep their agenda going. It’s time to stop the lying democrats from being ruthless and corrupt. Let’s bring this country together
The best way to due that is to vote them outof office and prosecute them for the least violation of any law while in office.
What that bitch has to say should be thrown out and disqualified. I wouldn’t trust anything that comes from her. Also because of what she said to try and get distrustful information, anything that comes from anyone can’t be trusted or used. The Democraps stop at nothing but they protect their own people no matter what they do, including lies, beating their wives, being brain dead and on and on and on.
I was sold on Pete Hegseth after watching a small portion of the senate hearings – Va. rep Tim Kaine if I were sitting in Pete’s seat there’s no way I would have been able to contain myself from his personal attacks and not breaking that two faced p**sy – a*s – S*B ‘s face……so cudos to you my friend…….My old a*s would go to war with you 4sure! !MASA…..Make America Strong Again !!!!
Though cannot thhink of the Senator whose moments of time supported Hegseth and slammend the Democrats who attacke Hegseth. He called out their partisan politics and hypocrisy
Pretty simple there is no worse scum on earth than marixt democrats, I’ll continue to pray for the DEMISE of this lying, cheating and stealing marixt democrat party and i won’t stop my efforts FOREVER!
Democrats are lower then whale shit, and that’s at the bottom of the ocean.
Yes, it is & they are.
How can you comment on an issue that plagues half of Congress which includes men and women who had affairs and drinking while on the job. So who going to throw the first stone that has not sinned.
It’s easy, you just have to be corrupt, greedy, lying, backbiting, scum sucking, democRATS or RINOS, it comes with the territory.
I can’t believe Pete was just recently Horrified by the low life democRATS. I’ve been Horrified by them ever since 1966.I didn’t think the American people could do any worse than LBJ. Boy, was I naive! Next we got Carter who let the hostages rot for over 400 days & gave away the Panama Canal. Then the draft-dodging pervert Clinton. If that wasn’t bad enough, we had an America hating Moslem loving Kenyan for 8 sorry years & then Biden brought in Obama’s 3rd term. I can’t believe Petes even microscopically surprised. I’m surprised that this country has survived at all given the general lack of interest or intelligence displayed by the populace.
This Kat Dugan is just one more example of how low the Demoncrats will stoop to spread lies. Pete Hegseth must have the patience of an angel to have to hear smears like this idiot Kat was saying. He deserves his nomination and Kat Dugan should go to the corner of the room and wear a dunce cap.
Shame Shame on Democrats.Its too bad the deep state cannot stand to lose.Its a shame they always have to make up lies & cheat just like they do on elections,