Nikki Haley just put Liz Cheney in her place with this brutal truth about Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

Nikki Haley and Liz Cheney are cut from the same cloth as avid warmongering neocon elites who want nothing more than to do the bidding of the ruling class at the expense of Americans. But [...]


    • Nikki Haley vs Liz Cheney who are both neocons and warmonger. Liz Cheney who is voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz criticize Nikki Haley for supporting Donald J Trump. Nikki Haley pointed out the great things Trump did vs Biden and Harris did not do. She punched back at Liz Cheney.

      • That’s what zI say if don t like there are many places that offer Communist sanctuary
        We don’ need or want you please do us the pleasure of leaving.

  1. Liz Cheney or her Dad are worth listening to – they are hypocrits.
    Liz hates Trump so much it is ruining her career – no one trusts her.
    Good for Nikki to stand up to Liz !

    • It’s just ‘dirty politics’ at their best – no truth, no intention to be true to their platform; false economic plans that the average American citizen doesn’t understand any way – allowance/toleration of illegal alien INVADING this country from more than 160 countries, with every intention of dominating our governing or elected offices. Democrats are the true terrorists.

    • Isn’t she the one whom fighter with Pelosi on January 6 against her own party
      Her father isn’t he the one who lied about Iraq arms
      That helph Bush declaring a war Killing hundreds of people

  2. I always thought I would like to talk to Mr. Cheney, but now I realize he was only working for himself and not trying to improve things for the American people.

    • Dick Cheney comes from Oil & Gas (Halliburton, et al), and he won’t vote for President Trump, knowing what will happen to our energy independence with democrats in office? Is very telling on his preference for military industrial complex over O & G!

      • They will not be happy until they are asking China what to do. Remember This Our nation is on the verge of collaspe,when we lose it I hope for dyed blonde Cheney that China takes a liking to her. if not she may join the cats and dogs of China

  3. Liz is a real Democrat, never has been a
    Republican she just played the part to get
    Elected like so many other Republicans
    have done. They call themselves Republicans
    but that is just a Lie. American 🇺🇸 people
    have been deceived enough. Vote Trump
    if you want to keep America 🇺🇸 Free

  4. Liz Cheney is a soiled old cow who thinks of nobody but herself. Her old man Dick should be in jail for manipulating government contracts during the Iraq invasion towards his company so he could become super rich. They are both pathetic individuals who need to be expunged

    • Liz Cheney acts as if her endorsement brings a huge following. I guess she doesn’t remember she was voted out in an embarrassing way. She’s just afraid of what will be found from pathetic January 6th bs when Trump wins.

  5. Liz Cheney should be in prison for her actions on the J6 Committee. She lied, hid evidence, destroyed evidence in their show investi

    • This person is so right. the ones that put Jan6 people in prison it should be reversed they should be in prison and the Jan6th FREED!

  6. By all means, please help stop the communists infiltration into our beloved country.
    People such like Kamala, AOC, ect..are truely “useful idiots”.

  7. That’s why I will vote President Trump because his top priority is the American people and God country. Trump is neither Republican or Democrat he is the people’s President, And his MAGA movement is the people’s movement. DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS better wake up to the fact that four years under Trump showed Americans what our government could have been doing and chose not to do, three and a half years of Biden has brought our country to it knees with their special interest groups and taxes and ignoring the American people until election time, they spend our hard earned money like it is their own on everything and everyone else hat is not American. We want our people’s President back and all the RINO’S and Communist Democrats will not cheat on s again by installing another America last communist Democrat!

    • The thing of it is where Trump was President and Harris is vice President we now can compare the two. And the difference is right there in black and white, we know how better the country our country was of the two.

    • I totally agree! Trump showed me that I’m neither a Republican or Democrat, but a true Conservative because I believe Americans should come first, America should come FIRST! God bless America and God bless President Trump

  8. What was the new worth of the Cheney’s prior to their political careers ??? That will tell you everything and yes the Cheney’s just don’t like Trump…It’s that simple…The people of her own state kicked her out and now we should not pay any attention to their voice….None

    Vote Trump if you choose to save this country !!

  9. Como esa dama dice que Trump es guerrista cuando su padre fue el factor principal para que Bush comenzara la guerra de Irak y de la que todos sabemos se benefició económicamente

    • Have a little respect for the people who do not know Spanish you’re not in Mexico or wherever! Just saying!!! This Is UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IF you haven’t noticed.

  10. Liz Cheney is desperately trying to remain relevant. Being booted from the House the way she was had to have been very embarrassing. But, as they say: “Ya pays ya money and ya takes ya chances”. You lost Liz, get over it. Isn’t that what your Dem pals said when Donald Trump lost in 2020?

  11. The Cheneys represent the old guard, the do-nothing establishment and a time when RINOs ruled. The RINOs are now going extinct. The American people now want republicans who will honor their word – a republican party that respects the will of the voters. This is a concept the Cheneys will never understand.

  12. On February 11, 2006, then-United States vice president Dick Cheney shot Harry Whittington, a then-78-year-old Texas attorney, with a 28-gauge Perazzi shotgun[1][2] while participating in a quail hunt on a ranch in Riviera, Texas.[3] Both Cheney and Whittington called the event an accident.

    The incident was reported to the Corpus Christi Caller-Times on February 12, 2006, by ranch owner Katherine Armstrong.[4] The Bush administration disclosed the shooting incident to the public the afternoon of February 12. Local authorities released a report on the shooting on February 16, 2006, and witness statements on February 22.

    On February 14, 2006, Whittington suffered a non-fatal heart attack and atrial fibrillation due to at least one lead shot lodged in or near his heart.[5] He also had a collapsed lung. Cheney did not speak publicly about the incident until February 15 in an interview with Fox News. Early reports indicated that Cheney and Whittington were friends and that the injuries were minor. Whittington later clarified that he and Cheney were not close friends but acquaintances.[6]

  13. Ask why one party is so intent on ending the life of the innocent among us. That’s their platform ! While they bring millions of illegals in to replace those they destroy. Amy will cease to exist and that’s they goal ! Americans must remember! Those elected morons are not our rulers. And Americans do not have to bow down to their rule . We are still a free people . Act like it . Get your head out of the wrong place ( and cut the boob tube off ) and really listen to their flapping lies. Our existence as a nation depends on Americans taking a stand against the evil and its people who spew out this crap 24/7 . Liz And Niki represents all that is wrong with the Republican Party. Both are liars and that is a prerequisite of being a democrat/ rino . We are in this mess because of these type of people. There is only one group (Party ) that is about nothing but the ending of life and liberty and justice for all (only those of color receive their freedoms ) Ask and tell the truth. Ask !!! Everyone will tell you white people are privileged Never mind white people are the poorest in America. Think and check the US stats. There are 40 million white people in poverty!Thats higher than all blacks or any other group ! This was bound to happen. When you do not believe in being equal . But take all there is from one group to give to another. No one wins Now those of color are screaming because they are now losing to illegals all they took from whites . Being American means there are no African/ Americans . Just legal Americans who are all supposed to be one sovereign nation .
    It’s sad that we allowed those idiot elected to imbed their sick perverted ideas on Americans.
    The Cheney’s have always been part of the swamp just like the Bush family!

  14. Liz Cheney is nothing but a liar and low life scum anyone who pulled what she did hide evidence etc. is nothing but scum and traitor need to go to jail.

  15. Did I read this out of Luz Cheney mouth? IF YOU SEE THE MOMENT WE ARE IN, YOU WOULDN’T VOTE FOR TRUMP!! And who is THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT IN THIS MOMENT?? Man, is she that DUMB? Guess her old Man need a COGNITIVE TEST TOO!

  16. Get out and VOTE, take your neighbor with you! Get the Jan 6th prisoners out of prisons and clear their records. Clear all the scum out of DC! Get law and order back to our country. Push for term limits for congress. Accelerate the screening of illegals and get the undesirables out NOW!

  17. I would like to make a suggestion to President Trump on how to sweep the election on a tsunami wave. All he has to do is sign an EO reversing Bidumb’s EO 14067 for Digital dollars. Everyone I know would love to see this.
    As far as Dick and Liz Cheney, they are rotten to the core and worthless and the sooner they disappear, the better for our America! RINO DICK CHENEY AND RINO LIZ CHENEY! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!

  18. She’s a yellow bellied loser just like her father…..let’s not forget George Bush who has never been behind Donald Trump…why? Because his brother lost his race in Florida? Feelings again instead of policy…wow we sure have had a bunch of dimwits and back stabbers. And I used to be an advocate for the Bush’s…that went byebye. DONALD TRUMP 2024

  19. Why dosn’t Liz and daddy just sign on the with the Democrates Party. You know the same people who tore them apart when they were in office.

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