Megyn Kelly torched Jennifer Aniston with a reality check that left her speechless

J.D. Vance’s old “childless cat ladies” comment sent Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston off the rails. Aniston started spreading lies on social media about the Republican Vice Presidential nominee. And then Megyn Kelly torched Jennifer Aniston [...]


  1. Jennifer is just an actor who’s life has been a joke for a long time. This thinking she is on top of her career. She is a lonely woman that decided to join the democrat’s nazi regime. Who really listen to most actors. They live in a bubble and have no idea about the middle class and poor. They have money to buy the hiked up prices of food and gas. They get body guards when out in public but you get illegals stealing everything you have, your children raped are murdered she votes for a democrat because she doesn’t want to lose her place in Hollywood. Just another pretty face who is getting older and uses surgery to look young. She pushes fake wrinkle cream because she needs money to help pay her bills but won’t admit it. No thanks Hollywood, you have shown your hate for humanity and the American people who are just trying thinking feed their children and pay bills to survive under Obama plan to destroy the middle class and poor. Biden was just a puppet for the communist party to destroy America. You fell for it. No thank you Jennifer. Looks are not everything. Your soul counts not your face or bank accounts. You sold your soul to evil. Your are a lonely woman.

    • Hollywood doesn’t have a clue about living ‘on a shoe string’…or they have simply forgotten what it’s like to have scrounge for this weeks’ groceries vs. this months medicines and doctors’ appointment(s); preparing for the next season’s heating oil/gas furnace including utilities. And as for the latest fashions? Well, they have no problem affording thousands of dollars on fabrics specifically exposing themselves as the harlots that they are, so enticing to the eye, of course; but more so causing this nation to sin at all time level never before seen in world history. If Kamala could get away with it, she would. ‘Tampon Tim’ already does.

    • Very good. You are absolutely right about
      Jennifer and most Hollywood stars who
      Really aren’t involved with the regular
      Working class people who hold two to
      Three jobs just to put food on the table
      Pay rent and fight inflation everyday. No
      Those lying Hollywood Haters don’t give
      A damn. They are womens lib all the way
      And don’t care about whether we are headed
      For communism in this Biden/Harris
      Administration. Diehard democrats all the
      Way not really thinking of there policies
      And major issues. Disgusting!

  2. Next election will be very important for the Republic as so many have absolutely
    no idea about the really important issues. We may find ourselves being led by
    someone who is controlled by so many others.

    • Actually; the primary was/is the more important election, yet so many sit it out and let the wrong kind of people become our (mis) representatives. This is why we keep getting RINO’s and neo-cons. Good house keeping begins at home, in your local county/parish elections.

  3. Hollywood actors and actresses should keep out of politics or at least keep their opinions to themselves they have pull on some average people and can make them vote for the wrong person when they would of voted different. So they should stay out and keep there mouth shut. So many of them are hateful dem-o-craps and talk bad about Trump the ones who does need to lose everything and become poorfolks, then they would hate dem-o-craps. Vote to save America vote Trump.

  4. I really hate these Hollywood elites that have millions and live in mansions telling regular citizens what they should think and do. They don’t care about us or have any idea what our lives are like. John Legend is another example of how they should keep their mouths shut. I’m done watching movies or shows from the stupid left wing idiots in Hollywood. The only show that I watch on television that is on a regular station is Blue Bloods. Otherwise I don’t watch ABC, CBS or NBC. Now that my brother is retired I don’t care about Hollywood.

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