Megyn Kelly revealed who leaked the rumor of Barack Obama’s affair with this Hollywood star
Washington, D.C. has been consumed by speculation about the Obamas’ impending divorce. But how this gossip mill started could be the real story. And Megyn Kelly revealed who leaked the rumor of Barack Obama’s affair [...]
Jennifer Aniston dropping this low as a white woman! She must be dumb enough to have anything to do with a BLACK MAN WHO HATE WHITE PEOPLE! We all know Obama hate white people, he said it himself! So guess she was con into this by her agent or Hollywood control publisher.
Jennifer has lost all credibility as a person of fame, actor and star. What the hell is she thinking??? Jen, you just erased your past accomplishments and will always be known as the “other” women. Breaking up a marriage has it’s consequences. Just for your own personal gains. What a waste of flesh you both are. Obama has shown his true being as a scoundrel. Hang your head in shame you bastard…
The Date is Only In Your Dreams Barrack!!!
Well if Barack is leaving Michael Jennifer doesn’t have a bigger penis than Michelle Michael or what ever. They’re both gay and don’t have the parts they want. Jennifer has more class than any Obama’s put together she wouldn’t disgrace herself with him that’s really hitting the bottom of the barrel. And silver back has nothing to offer except money and a banana. Another disgraceful x-president goes down the sh-ter. I guess Biden’s didn’t disgrace America enough with their corruption. Two x-presidents who hated America and the American people all they cared about was money and power.
Should anyone really care about two has been people birds of a feather flock together and for these two good riddens.