Kamala Harris was sweating bullets when she was asked one question about Joe Biden

Kamala Harris is Democrats’ presumptive Presidential nominee after Joe Biden dropped out. But she still has to answer one mystery surrounding the Democrat President. And Kamala Harris was sweating bullets when she was asked one [...]


  1. the demented jo and giggles have never been in charge, they are the puppets that they control.
    any vote for any democrat is a vote for the destruction of America for china and iran terrorists.

  2. i feel for Joe Biden. he was treated like cheap whore. he was puppet created for the DEMOCRAT. you know how the country was RUN” THE DEMOCAT PARTY RUNS IT/////

  3. Jill Biden had to be in prison for elder abuse the way she treated her husband Joe she knew exactly what was going on and hit it from the American people probably from Joe. She is a power disaster of a woman.

  4. Jill Biden and Kamala were in on the deception perpetuated by the Democrats in the White House and surrounding administration. It’s a shame that this is what our government has become, it’s certainly not what the founders had envisioned

    • I still can’t believe this mess created by the democrats have been allowed by the so called government. Where and why aren’t our laws being enforced instead of ignored? Trump, because he was making great progress was treated like the worst person that ever lived and still is. If the word democrat was in front of his name he would be considered the greatest. These low life’s that hate him could careless about our country only concern is party. This is not right!

    • I’ll bet President Trump wouldn’t have to pay anyone. They would volunteer their services free of charge. We aren’t money hungry like the democrats. We would take care of our own at the drop of a hat!

  5. Harris will make the worse president along with old Biden if she gets elected we can kiss our country as we know it good bye cause it will become a woke and LGBQ place from hell. And the border will not be closed and the true American people will be taken over and you want even be aloud to go to church. This country will go to hell ina hand basket. If you love this country and want to live free better hope and pray Trump gets in the White House.

    • You are so right if Trump doesn’t win this country is done. We are going to everything that we have worked so hard for. Our homes, our bank accounts and our freedom. The Dems have already done a really good job of it already.
      I am praying to god that Trump wins and gets our country back to what it was.
      GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!

  6. trump will win in a landslide in 2024. we the people are not stupid in our country. we see whats going on here biden cant be president his party and jill biden hid it. they knew he wasnt going to be voted again. then we have a laughing high henia that is just as stupid as they come. she did nothing about our border. she is another asshole. she cant go against president trump her brains are up were the sunshines.trump will win in a landslide in 2024.vote these two retared demorats out in novemenber. trump will win in a landslide the people in are country are not stupid they see and hear how biden and kamala are two losers they both couldnt run this country.trump in 2024.

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