Kamala Harris threw a fit after this awful scheme backfired in the worst way

Kamala Harris has avoided talking about her record during this campaign.  There’s a very good reason for that.  And Kamala Harris threw a fit after this awful scheme backfired in the worst way.  Green energy [...]


  1. What the hell is wrong with these stupid people. All they care about is lining their pockets and destroying America. It has to stop and we the people have to stop it. Vote these idiots out.

  2. Her record is horrendous. And her word salad’s indicate some type of a mental deficiency! This woman and her running mate would make our country even more of a disgrace than Joe Biden’s incompetence.

    • Interesting that you should say that. When I worked in a Mental Health Institution there were a few patients that would use word salad in their conversations. Did I mention I worked in a Mental Health facility. Just saying.

  3. These Wind turbines should be banned, they are dangerous and expensive. They don’t generate enough electricity to make any difference. Just take a look at the evidence.

    • Aren’t these wind turbines interfering with the echolocation of dolphins and whales? They’re being beached and killed. Also, wind turbines only work if there’s wind. There’s not always wind or significant wind, even out to sea. It’s expensive and doesn’t work, it’s dangerous to our sea life and they’re an eyesore.

      • Not just no or little wind days but how about too much wind days (hurricanes or straight line winds from thunderstorms). I’ve got to believe 100+ mph winds would break a significant number of them.

      • Maybe they should be installed on these elite idiots’ properties only. Let that decrease their property values. There should be a mandatory distance between their property and their neighbors’ property and the city property. They need to maintain them to be in perfect working condition and be fined for any failures until it’s fixed. If it’s not windy enough for the turbines to work properly, maybe their own hot air will suffice.

        • Yes place them on all the far left woke ass holes and see how they like them when they start breaking down. They all need to get a life and move out of here hey I bet China or Russia will take them lol

  4. It is up to the American people to stop these wind turbines by voting all communists Democrats out of office all they care about is lining their own pockets not the American people

  5. if, “green energy” was SO GREAT, why isn’t it self reliable, and dont need fossil fuels to charge them? note; IT DOESNT WORK, THATS WHY!! MORONIC

  6. It beaches whales, dolphins and sharks. If the wind is too strong they have to be locked down. The best wind is up to 10 mph. We have a couple of hundred around us in central Illinois. Can’t look out a window without seeing one of the ugly things. And they blow up here too. Had 3 break up across the field from us and spread pieces a quarter of a mile away from the turbine. Can’t do anything with the pieces. It’s hazardous waste.

  7. Another thing they take lots of gallons of oil for the turbines. When the seals start to break down you can see the oil running down the blades.

    • These elite green energy nut cases failed to mention that it takes oil to run them. I wonder how many of the brainwashed green energy fanatics are aware of that little tidbit.

  8. Solar panels are just as dirty. Put them in good farm fields like they are doing in Iowa and Illinois and you put chemicals into the soil that destroys the soil for planting for a century or more.

  9. If those things need alot of oil then there not green energy how stupid these horrible dem-a-craps are. They are the ones killing are once great country not fossil fuels. The green people are a bunch of crazy idiots who wants to make these off shore companies get richer. What they are going to do is kill out are oceans how crazy can they get . No one with half a brain would vote for a dem-o-crap they are killing are country it’s so easy to see. Please vote for saving are country stop the destroying America stop Harris from getting in office please she will finished the killing of America. Everyone should vote Trump the only one who is running that loves America. Vote Trump if you want to live free

    • I agree. I voted for Trump in 2016, 2020 and I’m voting for him again in 2024! He’ll put an end to the death of America and restore her to her once great beauty. Go Trump/Vance 2024!!!

  10. Democraps are destroying our country, just like Biden was paid by china to do. These democraps are evil liars. We need JESUS to intervene and save us from these horrible monsters. Vote TRUMP-VANCE 2024 to save America, before it’s to late!

  11. It makes no sense to put solar panels on prime farmland or greenspace. On land, wind turbines kill birds. In the ocean wind turbines are killing whales and dolphins. As my late Aunt Amelia would say, “This shit has gotta stop”.

  12. These wind turbines are a total disaster. They are expensive, don’t last that long, kill all kinds of birds and the waste created by these huge pieces is hard to find a place to dump. There is very little energy in the total picture that is needed by our country. If they want clean energy, build back the nuclear plants.

  13. My grandfather 👴 had a small fishing business 🧑‍💼 on Nantucket for years he never liked the government interfering with his business he said they never really understood how the business works or what the ocean was all about 👍😄

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