Kamala Harris is frantic after Donald Trump threw her campaign this nasty curveball

Kamala Harris is scrambling to build her campaign after she suddenly became the Democrats’ nominee. But she’s running into one problem that she never expected. Now Kamala Harris is frantic after Donald Trump threw her [...]


    • This infidel woman that raised funds to bail terrorist out of jail in Seattle, WA, that were burning government buildings, and her having an affair with a married Willie Brown to advance in her political gain shows of her immoral state of mind. It is obvious who her Master is.

      • That’s right…none. I would say that is cheating, but that’s in the democrats playbook. I believe the demoncrat playbook actually says cheat until they find out, then, deny, deny, deny. Then, claim your detractors are racist. All that is taken directly from the democrats playbook.

  1. The border czar kamela Harris Is a disgrace. The chances i would trust her running My Country? Slihhtly Less than zero

  2. She is not an intelligent human and must not be allowed to continue in her attempt to copy Biden. She must not be given the money he has accumulated. it must be returned.

    • She is like the good faithful wife. She supported him and kept his secrets. She help him present himself to the fullest. I surely admit that when she became VicePresident she was not up to snuff and I too groaned at some of her antics. I am now fully in her corner. She did not sit and twiddle her thumbs. She listened, learned, and IS READY to carry the country back to a place we would want to raise families. White, black, brown, yellow and all shades in between. Any uncomfortable men in congress, grow up. The world has changed (I am not sure for the better). We need a strong unified America. I think our BEST hope is Vice President Harris. She has my vote and I think I speak for MANY American women .

      • Oh a P.S to my previous post. the previous Three Post could only be written by Republicans who think (?) they are supposing Trump. I never thought of that tactic before…maybe I’ve try that in my support for Trump. Pat

        • If you only vote for someone because of their gender or ethnic background, then you have completely missed the point of the job of President. What has she contributed to make this country better? She failed at the border, didn’t receive one delegate vote when she first tried running for president and wants to make our nation a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. A democracy leads to dictatorship. Look it up.

      • Have you looked at what she has promoted in the past? She ran for the nomination in 2020 and received ZERO votes from her party. She dropped out of the race two months before a vote was tallied because she had no support from her party.

      • She only knows how to laugh, nothing else. If you trust her to be president, you will regret it soon.

        • That’s such a horrible forced laugh, it is rather painful. My grandchildren fake laugh better than that.

      • Pat Rising, you are truly INSANE. I would NEVER trust that woman with the security of my family nor this country. You need to “grow up.”

      • best hope forcontinueed debt ,war..she’s a marxist shill..she’s also dumb as toast..which is how she will end up..TOAST

      • And your full of crap!! I’m awoman and I know thousands upto thousands of women that wouldn’t vote for that piece of crap

      • Wow it shows a lot of dumb ——es in the world, she’s done nothing but hurt our country. You need to call all the family that’s lost love ones from the open borders. Sad to have people like you that don’t put America first….

      • KamalToe sat, lied, and twaddled her thumbs and did nothing good… as is usual for her… she is actually vastly worse far Left EXTREMIST Communist than Jokementia Bribery if allowed to have the power of her own evil ways…

      • Name one good thing Kamala Harris has done for America since she has been VP? I haven’t seen anything she has done. She appears to think everything is funny when she is asked a question.

      • I don’t want to have a country run by Harris or any demorat. This is right now a country that is being destroyed for us and our future generations. Demorats don’t care about Americans. It’s all about the illegals. I will choose how my money is spent, what car to drive and what appliances I want. It is going to take decades to get this country back on track after these idiots have been in power. Harris and her 11 million illegals can go to hell. AMERICANS FIRST. TRUMP 2024 FOR Americans.

      • you don’t speak for me. She got where she is by sleeping with a married man. I have zero respect for her.

      • You mean that woman who threw the book at young black men when she was prosecutor but let everyone else off with a slap on the wrist. You’re speaking of that Harris. I think you need to educate yourself more. She is not for Black people.

      • You don’t speak for me. I would never vote for her. I honesty don’t think she is intelligent enough to be President! All she seems to do is nothing but laughing at herself for her stupid comments. Name one thing she has done! Nothing except collect her salary!

      • You are so wrong about Harris! She made a mockery of the office of Vice President. She has lied so many times she doesn’t know what the truth is. She would be a total disaster as President. Our Country is already in trouble from Biden-Harris presidency! Wake up, open your eyes and look at our Country. Our economy is horrible!!

      • What, exactly, did she DO while she was Vice President? She didn’t even carry out the one task Biden gave her. The head of Border Patrol slapped her down verbally for that. “She did not sit and twiddle her thumbs. She listened, learned, and is READY to carry the country back to a place we would want to raise families.” What, exactly, did she “learn,” and how can she carry the country STANDING STILL, much less to a place we would want to raise families? As a former “prosecutor” who SHOULD know the law, she didn’t even know she can’t just “inherit” Joe’s campaign money by changing the name on the account?? And she didn’t even think to ask anyone how to handle that move? COME ON! I could have done better than THAT! And you expect this moron to “carry the country back to a place we would want to raise families”? She’s done NOTHING to earn the votes of anyone for President! She hasn’t even had to raise her own campaign funds, much less go through a primary and get the votes of the people to make her the DNC candidate, much less try to balance the budget of a nation in financial chaos!

      • you sure are a corrupt democrat. Kamala is one of the dumbest persons on this earth and women who believe in abortion on demand are believe in murder

      • What planet have you been living on? During her term as VP she has accomplished absolutely nothing. If you listen to her speak you know she is not capable of being a President. Your vote is not a vote bc you dislike the other candidate must a vote to assure a better future for our nation than we have had for the last four years with Biden and Harris. Doesn’t it concern you that she along with other Dems and the media have lied to the country about Biden’s mental state for so long. What else will she lie about.

  3. Democrats cheating corrupt criminal cesspool. Destroying America. Harris is a lying POS and totally incompetent to be president. She has no accomplishments at all. Nasty dumb brain dead lying asshole

  4. She should NOT get biden’s campaign funds! She didn’t earn them! By changing the campaign from Biden to her does NOT make it legal! Those campaign funds that Biden recieved should be given back to the donors, NOT her or the DNC! Plus, she didn’t campaign, Biden installed her as the candidate! IF she actually is the nominee, ( which I doubt), the delegates were disenfranchised, they can refuse to vote for her, she will be out. Obama really doesn’t want her at the top of the ticket, he wants Mark Kelly, another loser, and I think he will demand an open convention, freeing up delegates for HIS choice, and he will intimidate the delegates to chose Kelly. This convention is going to be a fiasco!


  6. Kamala shows she has no manners or political savvy. she went to a fundraiser at a sorority instead of meeting with the leader of Israel. her position of senate president should have alerted her to this formality. she stood up the black journos’ debate, while Trump went and was disrespected by the dnc media. the party is a mess and her candidacy is just the face of it.

  7. That is just stealing that doesn’t belong to her tried to pull that one off and got caught. That was his war chess he is not running it’s against the law put her in jail. Disqualified from running for president. The law is the law. Democrats looking for a loophole.

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