Joy Behar was speechless when “The View” made this awful claim about Kamala Harris

The harpies on The View are starting to get nervous about the election.  Hot takes are flying on the daytime talk show.  And Joy Behar was speechless when The View made this awful claim about [...]


  1. Kamala would be the biggest mistake in decades if she’s elected. Her policies on immigration, the economy and every financial thought she has is a disaster. Voting for her will bankrupt us. We’re almost there now.

  2. Kamala will be the same as Biden because Obama was joes mouth pease and Obama will also be Kamala mouth peace same O same o

    • I call it The Spew- with Vile hyenas cackling ‘women’ at one another- with their useful idiots’ audience. Lose IQ points every min watched.

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