John Fetterman hit Donald Trump with a nasty surprise that he will hate

Senator John Fetterman inserted himself in the middle of another fight. Fetterman was disappointed yet again. And John Fetterman hit Donald Trump with a nasty surprise that he will hate. John Fetterman comes out against [...]


  1. Fetterman is a lazy do nothing demoncrat just like most demoncrats, he’s a leader in our government,but he can’t dress like a leader,nor be honest he should be kicked out of congress and those of you who voted for him, what is wrong with you

    • Fetterman is nothing but a slob, he’s playing both sides of the politics field, has no interest in any thing that works out better for the American people, he’s only in it for himself, he plays the Democratic party line, so he’s not left out in the cold. I also think he’s got his eye on the White House, so he as to play for his own states votes,
      which Trump took Pencalvana the swing state, so Fetterman will try his game plan, before he can make his move!!!

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