Jim Jordan is raising hell after this terrible failure by Kamala Harris was exposed

Kamala Harris is trying to erase her ties to the Biden-Harris regime. But her record is starting to catch up to her.  Now Jim Jordan is raising hell after this terrible failure by Kamala Harris [...]


  1. Are democrat voters that f-in stupid to vote for a black dumb ass Harris. Do they really want open borders and pay more taxes she destroyed our economy. She’s being lead around like a lying dog. If you’re that stupid and think this asshole can fix your country you’re lying to yourself. Did you ever hear a democrat say they love America never.
    Trump says it every day and means it he’s not a corrupt crooked president and if you think you’re better of now than when Trump was president your a F-in lying asshole. You’re the f-in problem also.

    • You said it all….even after Biden got in and started this mess, SOME who voted for him were crying…well how stupid were you to even vote for someone who most saw as not completely with it at the time. How could he have made it better than what we had. Trump had it under control and would have finished the wall and continually would have worked on his agenda. Now this so called VP is reversing her stance…I would not believe anything she or any Democrats say. They can say anything on the campaign, once they get in and make fools out of all who voted for them, they go on with their lying, cheating schemes. She did nothing as VP but Cackle and make stupid comets, so what do people think she is going to instantly get wise and smart. They don’t have brain surgery for that.

  2. So many bureaucrates, judges, politicians in the Federal government have committed treason & yet NOT ONE IS EVEN BEING BROUGHT UP ON CHARGES! We the people do not understand WHY?

  3. Biden-Harris OPENED the border on DAY ONE of there administration. Pull up his acceptance speech in January when he took office. BORDERS OPEN COME ON IN. WOW!!!!!!! this is against the constitution and they should be held accountable for this. FIRED. I personally VOTE for who protects AMERICA and America POLICIES, NOT because I like or dislike someone. VOTE for who is going to keep AMERICA SAFE.

  4. what’s wrong MSM afraid to show the outcome to your question we knew from the start you are left wing
    I don’t care if you share my email with the left come to my house and I’ll send you home in a brand new bod_ b_g

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