Jesse Watters just revealed one disturbing truth about Kamala Harris and Vladimir Putin

Democrats spent the past eight years pushing the complete debunked “Russian collusion” hoax against Donald Trump in order to portray him as some sort of secret Russian agent.  Kamala Harris recently claimed that the former [...]


  1. We all know KamalToe spread her legs for Sugar Daddys 3 times her age ( i.e. notorious Willie Brown) to advance up in politics! So she never had to actually learn politics. She then can’t debate…

  2. If KH does not debate, she should be taken OFF the ballot. I hope and pray that the people see that she is a phony puppet. Vote for TRUMP and get our country back. He cleaned up after the BO, he can do it again. Give Trump another chance or keep your mouth shut if your boat sinks. TRUMP 2024

  3. Komrade Harris and Tampon Tim are two disgusting people who LIE,LIE,LIE ! She wants to totally destroy AMERICA but all AMERICANS cannot allow them, the DEMONRAT PARTY and the REST of THE DEEP STATE COMMIES take down the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The country WE ALL LOVE !!!!

    • It is one of the truest/most diabolical conspiracies of our country’s history – backroom and open-air admission to false promises she has every intention of NOT FULFILLING. Migrants will dominate; crime will exponentially skyrocket – felons will walk ‘scot-free’ to reoffend as they wish/desire. The economy will ‘hit’ an all-time low – a recession unlike 1929. Ultimately, she will blame it all on Trump.

  4. Harris and Walz are totally communists, anyone who votes for them are communists also. If people can’t see they lie about everything, they are a very big danger to this country. When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty!

    • So true. And it is time to back the only race that is right for the USA. Vote Trump and his ticket. The dimwit nitwits are far to infamous these days and those too naive to know the difference are not enough to win. That is why the dimwit party is so disorganized and they know the bulk of the nation outnumbers them. Vote and kick them out of every election they are running in. And dump every rino too.

      We need a recall in AZ to remove Hobbs. She is a colossal failure and cheated to get the job. She needs to go and the attorney for the state that helped her cheat has to go as well. And rinos need to go as well.

  5. And I love the Kari Lake dimwit add. McCain was an awful rino, so as she said get the hell out of her rally if you liked him at all, he was no friend to his constituents. Additionally, the rest of the add was not truthful. We need to vote for her, Gallego is a complete and utter liar. Bad for AZ, Bad for the USA.

  6. Americans need President Trump re-elected to save the U.S. as a thriving Republic. Twelve of the past 16 years the Democrat Party has had control of the White House. Those 12 years have brought misery to the American people and threatens a World War III. Currently, we have a President in name only. Harris has had 3 and 1/2 years to prove herself and has failed miserably. She is a fantasy creation and a fiction of the corporate owned media.

    • Harris got a free pass to run for president by becoming Biden’s VP! Obama ran Biden’s office by telling him what to do! Now, if Kamala gets in office, Obama would be the hidden president again, and he tell her what to say by writing her scripts because she can’t do it on her own! Obama hates America and its people and his wishes of changes America into a communist nation has always been his wishes! And it is showing! Just take a look at what is going on in America today!

  7. Allegations and innuendoes aside, Harris brings nothing to the table except the antagonism most Democrats have for Donald Trump, and this is a blinders-on vendetta, not a political platform to benefit the American People since it offers nothing and functions only as a negation of an opponent. We, The People, need to vote on issues, not personalities. I, for one, find Trump to be arrogant and bullying, but his past tenure as President has shown him to be a very competent Leader despite any character flaws and personal shortcomings.

    Harris, however, has only the character flaws and personal shortcomings with absolutely nothing in her political career to weigh against her lack of political expertise and multiple failures as Vice President. A Vote for Harris is like a blind pass in hockey: it typically works only to your detriment.

  8. Cameltoe Harris has never won an election on her own. She’s always had a man pulling the strings for her. She is such a liar and pathetic human being. Her “interview “ with Dana Bash shows that she can’t even keep from lying about simple things, like the day she was told Biden was pushed out. That was all fabricated, the whole story.

  9. I used to watch old westerns when I was a youngster. After a powwow the chiefs had with the white men from Washington, they would say,” White man speak with forked young. That holds true even today, especially about the Democrats. Also, they have a bad case of “hoof in mouth disease”.

  10. This country DESPERATELY needs President Trump in the Oval Office. For any of his flaws, he sincerely wants to protect this country at all costs. He has proven his ability to do so back in 2016, and should have been the president in 2020. But election fraud prevented that.

  11. The woman is a communist card carrying person. I have seen her card when she initiated at the party headquarters. She is lying through her teeth when she said all these thing. She is the real Manchurian Candidate.

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