Fox News revealed that Donald Trump cut one deal that may guarantee victory in November

The 2024 election could be one of the closest in history. Both campaigns are looking for an edge. And Fox News discovered Donald Trump cut one deal that may guarantee victory in November. Trump buries [...]


    • If Trumpndoesntbwin this presidency, im.afraid because of Kamala’s lack of experience and these past 4 horrific years, this nati9n will collapse. I am not ask8ngnyounto love Trump, but we need someone who know what’s going on. Biden was not and has never been Presidential material. He is too wishy washy and took this position of President to better himself without carrying about his people. I see it in everything he does. So am encouraging your viewers to put all this aside and vote for some who will make our country well again. Doescanyone actually think these pastb4byears have been better than the present. Look at all what has happened? It would be a disaster if Harris/Walz were in charge.

      • That’s very true Myrna Nordhougen, and I am so surpised and happy to see that these two men are finally acting like grown men instead of thinking of themselves instead of our country.

  1. Democrat=Hypocrit. That seems to be enough that they think that they will win every argument.
    Democrats have no brains in their heads, but yoghurt ! This is the reason that in e discussion that they are losing they(i.e. their brains) sour up quickly !

  2. The Democrats always try to down-play Donald Trumps record, but all one has to do is use a little common sense, look at his accomplishments while he was the president! The Democrats wiil not say anything good that he has done but instead, they will try to focus on Trumps bad manners or some other B.S. that they come up with, which, in the lives of every person, don’t mean a thing! ( go Donald Trump )

    • Disagreements happened. DJT and Kemp knows there will be no country left with the alternatives.They moving foward for America.Great leaders know what at risk. DJT RFK TG Elon JDV and more we welcome

        • Yes we do need Georgia. With these men and Trump we can win Georgia. It makes sense that majority of the people in America wants Trump back in the White House

      • That’s right!!! DJT is the definition of a true leader. I asked myself one day could I have (hell no) or any man alive today endure what he has had to go through and not given up (hell no) !!!!! That’s why he’s going to be our 47th POTUS

    • I agree, Laura! God is with Trump so Kemp had better be true to his word. I saw what happened in 2020, I was still up that night. Raffensperger is a lying EVIL total piece of crap.

  3. I dnt have a positive view on Kemp since he is a total Disaster .. a real Rino … he knows that he is in a serious position if he will not join with President DJ Trump .. just for MAGA to win ill close my eyes and let him in with the Greatest US President ever DJ TRUMP …

    • Kemp is no Rino,he is a great governor here in Georgia and very popular here except among Trump loyalists. Trump needs Kemp more than Kemp needs Trump. Kemp will eventually probably be our next senator or maybe run for president, who knows.

  4. We need Trump back in office. Harris has destroyed America in less than 4 years. Her far left moves are for control not for uniting the country!!! Trump/Vance 2024🇺🇲

  5. President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country President Trump is our ONLY hope for a return to normalcy and democracy for this country

    • Amen to that and God bless and protect DJT and his family. I’m so proud of Pres. DJT and Gov.Kemp joined forces to Keep America Great Again!

  6. LET BYGONES BE BYGONE. Forget the past and think for the future. Forgive and forget the past. I congratulate both Trump And the governor for their acts of forgiveness. That is
    a Christian way. Forgave the trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    We Republican will show to the Democrats that we can forgive each other and love each other. LET MAKE AMERICA RICH AGAIN.

  7. I will believe Kemp when I see him vote on November 5th and see him actually support Trump by checking the box Trump for President. When. I see that, I will think differently about him. Until I see him along with his wife actually voting for Trump, I wouldn’t believe it until we see the actual tv cameras showing their vote for Trump. Then, I willl support him as well.

  8. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being.

  9. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being.. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being.

  10. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being.. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being.. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being. Kemp was right in helping to bury the hatchet for trying to save America. He needs to go further and go back to paper ballots and throw out Leticia James from DA in Atlanta. She is a rotten human being.

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