FEMA pushes equity in disaster response and the results are catastrophic

Hurricane Helene has left a horrible path of destruction in its wake. Over 200 are confirmed dead, millions are without power, and entire towns have been wiped out.   But now FEMA is pushing equity in [...]


  1. Listening to this group is so disgusting. The blind leading the blind. This group should be totally abolished and rebuilt with intelligent and caring people.

  2. An agency that was created for this situation has done little to nothing. They have stolen DONATED supplies from hard working people and raided the donation centers forcing them to relocate and secure then to prevent a repeat of theft. The citizens have done more and provided more. Shame on FEMA!!

  3. The entire government needs to be purged of woke employees—not because they may be liberals, but because they have no sense of common sense and an inability to determine priorities.

  4. The Democrats have chosen her to run for the most important office in the United States???
    Within a year our lives will be turned upside down if she succeeds in winning this upcoming election! I’m praying it doesn’t happen!

    • What sickens me is that these so called celebrities are campaigning for them at their concerts trashing Trump and making up falsehoods. They are not going through what citizens of the South are going through. They must see that Kamala offered them each $750.00. In all common sense, do they think that is going to make a dent in what they need. Also they have to apply on-line. Dah!! no electricity or communication. They put these people through an additional nightmare. Then Biden is on the news last night saying stop spreading mis-information, The people are getting all the help they need. Really, then why are private groups that are helping saying live, no help from the government to be found. In fact Biden would not give the ok to go in and help and the military is just sitting there. This information is from people there. So I guess Biden is calling all the suffering residents liars. This should wake up Americans, those that are left with some sort of common sense and decency. Do you not think that he and Kamala would do the same thing to you? So sad

  5. FEMA is a disgrace they are giving money to illegals then American citizens I saw an advertisement on tv with Trump saying FEMA is giving money to illegals FEMA woman came on and said it was not true well folks I think it’s true and FEMA is lying and this is what is going to happen if Harris becomes president

  6. I Responded to Katrina, and was in or around New Orleans for almost four months. I never saw FEMA till the day I was leaving.

  7. $750 for the people affected by two hurricanes in Florida.
    $8000 for illegal immigrants plus housing downpayment plus credit card which by the way came from the taxpayers money.

  8. For starters, fire every single head at fema. Pull back all monies going overseas (except for Israel) until our people are taken care of. Plus, not another dime for illegals. In fact take monies allocated for fema and mayorjerkass’ department for replenishing wasted fema money. Reduce mayorjerkass’ salary to one dollar and take away any money the government (taxpayers) paid to match his retirement and remove him from the government healthcare plan.

  9. You want equity in the USA…simply consider everyone HUMAN, that’s it. No one in need is more entitled than the other. Send humanitarian aid now! Use the $7 Billion FEMA reserve as it should be not a slush fund for others.

  10. It’s a shame America has come to this. This administration takes and takes and takes, gives nothing back, just like pirates. They give what is your America , to non-Americans. Ill legal from every country that hates us. When it is all said and done, those haters of America , with their hands out, will stab us in the back. Ukraine after their defeat will fight with Russia and China against America……… it’s coming. This is our last chance to save our country from Kamala.


  12. FEMA has been a failed entity and always will be. I was in the emergency services field and FEMA never has lived up to what it was ment to be. It is a disastrous drain on tax payer funds.

  13. What no one wants to face is the fact that many presidential elections were stolen proof..? You read every day somewhere in the news about another state discovering election fraud in their districts..maybe this election will see the results of the straighten out of this democrat communist mess ..on t.v. We seen with our own eyes votes being flipped by the corrupt dominion voting machines..that have bee proven in court that they can be corrupted with just a ink pen..yet they are still in use..I think commies are afraid to pull that stunt to much this time..but keep your fingers crossed..and if not..join an insurrection group in your town. Ha ha ha

    • That is true, saw a documentary on Lyndon Johnson, when he was running for office in Texas. Now is shows a live film with him and Connelly, telling Johnson how much do you want to win, per Johnson I want to win,,,,show Box 13, Connelly ways don’t worry, I will take this box and the votes will go to you. It is known fact, filmed, Box 13, which was a ballot box from a certain princint gave Johnson his victory. Connelly admited, hey there is always going to be cheating in elections, that is the way it is if you want to win. The was on the history channel last week.

  14. FEMA and EVERY OTHER government agency has been stocked with Liberal, Democratic strap hangers, not because of their expertise but only as political payback for party loyalty. This latest hurricane relief fiasco is just another example of this administrations incompetence!!

  15. The whole administration needs to be placed in the dumpster along with their equity program. This is why the country today is in shambles because of this administration.Vote to get the trash put out once and for all!

  16. The whole Stupid Biden/ Camaltoe group needs to be fired and replaced with people who know how to run things. It is such a joke in this administration. We are a laughing stock to the world.

  17. It’s coming out that Dominion sold machines in South American countries and now they are being sued because they were corrupted during elections. Fox should be suing Dominion to get their money back and Tucker should get his job back because he was right all along. We have to have a one day vote with voter ID and watchers equally from both parties. We need to get safe elections back

  18. These people are Communists, and we’ll deserve what we get if we put them in office. We’ll all have to work together to insure this does not happen. In 2020 there were 500 sworn affidavits about fraud and irregularity, and one pollworker even reported on a sworn affidavit that there was a busload of Biden workers putting his name on blank ballots and putting them in drop boxes. But we know their games now, so let’s beat them at their own games.

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