Chevrolet has car enthusiasts in a frenzy over this new American supercar

American car makers are slowly returning to their storied roots. It seems the experimentation into “greener” vehicles has finally subsided. And Chevrolet has car enthusiasts in a frenzy over this new American supercar. The new [...]


  1. I don not think electric and hybrid cars will leave the scene and when less problematic batteries become available they will return to popularity. present day battery problems: 1 they are NOT recyclable. 2 the manufacturing process is actually more polluting than the exhaust output of a gas powered car. 3 they catch on fire. 4 the Grid cannot sustain them. 5 they take too long to charge. 6 they are noy very good for taking a long trip with because the range per charge is low. also i would not buy a GM car because it took them 21 years to recal cars that would shut off while being driven, quite a few people died or were maimed because of a $20.oo part.

  2. I don’t think the answer is to electric cars., they complain not about not being able to keep up with the demand of electricity especially in summer months.
    How do they think they can keep the cars running,
    And the average person can’t afford electric vehicles. If you want to take a 1200 mile trip it will take you 3 or 4 days To get there
    With all the chagrin you have to do
    I would not want one even for free

  3. This stuff with these EV’S is just fantasy and they will NEVER be as popular as ICE’S. Too many drawbacks and you could die if you can afford one. ICE’S (internal combustion engines) run on what the Earth provides, OIL! We will NOT run out of oil because the Earth itself produces it. The greenies have people thinking that we will run out of oil because we’re putting dead dinosaurs in our gas tanks. If that was so we would have ran out a long time ago. They never said the price of this new Corvette, and where could you drive it. I know of one place in the US, the Oklahoma Turnpike, at least that’s what it was when I drove through there back in 1987. It’s 200 miles of straightaway with a gas station in the middle at 100 miles. If I could I’d get that fella’ up to 214 mph and tell the cops to come get me. If you do this make sure your license is straight first. The cops told me one time “you can’t outrun radio signals” but that’s ok because just the ride of going Mach 3 with my hair on fire just one time, it would be worth it!

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