Border Czar Kamala Harris’ ties to illegal gang activity destroying this community were just exposed for the world to see

Kamala Harris was once proud to be granted, by her boss President Joe Biden, the responsibility of being the Border Czar.  But she’s done such a rotten job that she now wants voters to forget [...]


  1. Isn’t it rather suspicious that Harris claims she no longer believes what she used to believe? Especially in an election campaign when she, like all candidates, are trying to get the most vote from We the People? I, for one, don’t believe anything she says. She didn’t do her job as Border Czar, and has accomplished very little. Anybody with a working brain can see that she’s all smoke and mirrors.

      • From Muslims in our government to this. They’ve always said our downfall would come from within. Started with electing a Muslim as our president and he’s never left the building.

        • From prisons getout of jail free if thy come here ..kamala great at tht I wonder is tht why her and Joe kept send billions to other countriesobamavwas tge person that said this and he and soros are pulling strings to mk sure

  2. Waltz did so much damage in Minnosota and Harris in in the world can anyone think of voting for them? She even proved herself even more incompetent when as VP she has done nothing for he people as our country is over run by illegals freloading off our tax payers money. They are coming from all over the world. First it started in Mexico, then Biden put the word out and really set a disaster in motion, pushing aside what the Constituion reads about protecting our borders. Now citizens in our country are footing the bill for this incompetence and suffering and cannot make ends meet let alone watching their backs because too many of those that came are robbing, attacking our citizens. Yet it is all covered up and denied by the media.

  3. Our country is going to hell in a handbasket! Democrats and their cronies are destroying our country and it seems like many dumb a$$es think everything is just fine! Stupidity abounds and we are paying the price for it!

  4. I want to know what kind of Americans would even contemplate voting for this evil satanic illegal . Who told us last week our children need to die so theirs could live.
    This same wicked evil Jezebel told us all during her first debate that she was running for President. The one where she could not get .1% Of votes. When she would get in charge she would take all white peoples homes and give them to illegals And blacks . Illegals had better not come and get out now because she comes from a real family Of torturers . Her mom and dad that were real Plantation owners and operators. She is not black. But has put more blacks in jail than all the DA’s put together in America. We know she climbed up every guys leg especially stupid white men to get where she is. Who do you think armed the IRS
    Americans Kamala and every democrat and butte kissing republican has brought the blood bath to America . Only wussies will sit while she continues to use blacks and illegals to wipe white people off the map Then . It’s the rest of you
    But I doubt white people will wait for her attack. Especially those who still are Americans

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