A nightmarish end to a campaign rally left Kamala Harris staffers in tears

Kamala Harris had her first rally in Detroit, Michigan, as the presumptive Democrat nominee on Wednesday. Over 15,000 people attended the rally in the critical battleground state. But a nightmarish end to a campaign rally [...]


  1. Kamala Harris is planning to give all the illegal migrants citizens ship if she takes office in 2025. That should tell you what she thinks about the American people. There goes all the jobs for the American people. There goes your tax dollars to illegals who hasn’t paid any taxes, for there housing, health care, and food stamps ,and education. Open your eyes America. She is not only a liar but a thief. She can’t use her policies. She has to steal from Trump. No tax on tips.Now who are you voting for?

    • True!!! If she wins it will mean Obama’s “Forth Term”! We absolutely cannot allow them to cheat and win again!

    • She has to plagiarize Trump’s policy promises because she has no agenda of her own, at least not any that she can admit to Americans before she takes office. She’s evil and certainly not being honest. She talks with a forked tongue. Both Harris and Walz have already been caught in many lies. More to come.

    • Also she stole the “no tax on SS”. She got all those people stranded because she doesn’t take charge and make sure thing are done right. This is just a preview of what’s coming if she gets in. She will sensor people, make the schools kowtow to her wants and she won’t do anything to make the economy better.

      • If she and her team can’t even take care of transportation from a rally, how can she lead the country. It will be chaos!

    • I agree with you TOTALLY!! I hope more voters figure ouy her and her Party’s agenda before Election Day. It’s NOT an Agenda fit for the American People.

  2. People has to have gotten enough intelligence already shown by Kamala,Biden and the Democrats they live solely by Lies.
    They will go to the depths of HELL to get what they want. Including killing research history
    Don’t forget how the Vaccines have done to the American People.

      • Whitmer just signed a bill (WITHOUT ANY OF US IN MICHIGAN EVEN KNOWING) that if there is a problem with the voting after the election RECOUNTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. Who do you think that would benefit. Shes going to make sure her democrats get it and we are not allowed to recount if we suspect a cheat.

  3. A vote for the Harris team would be the end of America just look at what she and biden have done to this country already high inflation, the loss of our southern border and most important is our standing in the world! that is their accomplishments

  4. She isn’t joyful to anyone. The stories about how she treats her staff and anyone else who doesn’t measure up to her is horrific. Her staff should become Republicans and tell America what she is capable of doing to make it worse than it is already.

      • If you want this country to go to hell in a handbasket vote for Harris & Walz. Bide. Was bad but these liars are 10x worse.They will lead this country down the path to ruin. They are both putting on a false front to make you think it’s Anerica first. Don’t fall for it. If the earth were flat they are so far left that they are one step away from falling off it. There has got to be a better choice. They can’t be allowed to win the election. NO WAY!!!!

    • Exactly. She can’t think on her feet. She just laughs and babbles. She’s not going to do anything except make excuses.

  5. She has to change her position on just about everything in order to get elected.. But doing so just shows how dishonest she is. her past is going to be her political un-doing.

  6. Folks, reality check. Big ‘O’ has been running the show along with all the other elites and Globalists. She’s planned to destroy our voting system by giving IDs to all the Trojan horse illegal immigrants she allowed to invade our country. This was the plan from the beginning. We need to bombard those voting machines (if they aren’t already compromised in their favor) and pray, pray, pray America repents of their decent into that dark pit where all these Satanic infused politicians belong. Maranatha

  7. Who did she sleep with to get where she is at. For sure she couldn’t do it on her own merits because she don’t have any. What a looser.

  8. We all need to pray for the country we love and put the results of the upcoming election in the hands of GOD.

  9. This women not only blaspheme our savior but she lies about project 2025 by saying it is against freedom and our Republic but there is no freedom without God and project 2025 is all about common sense which both of these morons are lacking any one who says men need Tampons is a genuine idiot plain and simple DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY THESE ANTICHRIST DEMOCRATS America needs a revival and she needs her Savior Jesus Christ or we will follow in the steps of Rome. The time is no today is the day of Salvation tomorrow is to late. Do you want freedom or do you enjoy being a slave to the NWO.

  10. Everything Harris does is a disaster! The United States will be destroyed if the democrats are allowed to continue cheating, (all those illegals were invited in for a reason) we must secure our election process, another 4 years of behind the scenes Obama will end America!

  11. Don’t forget about the fact that she thinks she can erase the 2nd Ammendment with the stroke of her pen. Between our criminal so-called president and Kamalamala, they truely believe they are king and queen.

  12. democrats are destroying America, so any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china, iran, and russia.

  13. I will never vote for anyone that rose to her level on their knees. She shouldn’t even be a local dog catcher.

  14. We do not need a President that is all about the extreme left.Harris/Waltz is a team fit for disaster & will destroy our democracy to bring is radical far left agenda like Communism style government. Vote Trump/Vance for President!!!!🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  15. Should question her failure to prosecute the over 100 cases of priests within the San Francisco Archdiocese molesting children. She refused to bring the cases up and of course the following election cycle who do you suppose was one of her biggest contributors. Yeah, you guessed it! Remember she ran on the platform that fore fronted the protection of children. What a low life.

  16. When Kamala states “We need a strong woman in Washington “ Well is she referring to herself? I mean she’s BEEN in Washington for the last 4 years!!!! We HAVE a woman in Washington in the second most POWERFUL position…since she’s done NOTHING in the last 4 years…Why should we give her MORE time to do NOTHING???

  17. All of her knowledge came on her back with willie brown’s willie. She has no qualification. She can murder 13 in Afghan, ignore, walk away, and laugh about it. FKH, willie brown did!!!!!!!!!!!! New slogan is, Lets Go Bimbo!!!!!!!!!

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