A Green Beret dropped the hammer on FEMA for this unthinkable mistake

The media doesn’t want the public to know what’s happening in the aftermath of the hurricanes.  But the ugly truth about the Biden-Harris regime’s botched response is coming out.  And a Green Beret dropped the [...]


  1. Biden/Harris have dropped the ball on almost everything. North Carolina is just one of many examples of failure to help Americans which began with the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

  2. Biden/Harris/Mayorkas are a trainwreck and couldn’t lead a turd to a crapper! This government is out of control!

  3. I live in Boone, NC, certainly not the hardest hit area. However, the Biden administration had between 900 and 1000 active military staged before the storm hit for rapid response. Then another 500 were added later. Yes, this was an unprecedented storm of Biblical proportions and the topography impeded efforts as you pointed out. However, you don’t do anyone any good by spreading disinformation. One concern is that you will discourage victims from taking advantage of the recovery money FEMA is pushing to help people get started.

    • latest is that FEMA is broke-used cash on other issues-like border open and there were many areas that were not reached by FEMA- and who stopped private charitable organizations from helping

    • Did you already spend your $750.00 ? we see what is ans is NOT going on in NC. but thank you for your communist DemonRat input.

  4. Money from FEMA? What 75.00. If you want more than that ask an illegal for some. They have a lot more $$$ than FEMA can offer. Especially after FEMA filled their pockets.


    • We can’t take another 4 years of their incompetence, failed leadership. We need Trump Back in there. Also let’s get rid of the democrat Governor and elect Robinson. Vote MAGA.

  6. The Biden – Harris administration is a joke. They have no desire to help the American Public. Additionally, Harris has gotten almost $1 billion in support of her campaign from major Democrats Who are believed to have been involved with Epstein. If Harris wins, the flight logs will disappear. If Trump wins then it’ll all come out which is scaring them to death. They had better be scared because a new time has come.

  7. Yes, FEMA is out to lunch! What they did is use there funds to support all the illegals instead of keeping it for hurricanes and storms! This agency should be RE-DONE and all current heads and senior advisors should be FIRED AND REMOVED!

  8. The United States Government is the GREATEST ENEMY THAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE TODAY! This is just more proof of that!!!

    We the People are trying to help each other and the COMMUNIST GARBAGE that infests the government are working to STOP THAT!!!!

    WHAT NEXT? A foreign army crossing the border WITH THE AID OF THE GOVERNMENT? Oh, wait, sorry – THAT is already happening!!! Millions have already poured in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well, keep voting Auto(D), FOOLS! China loves you for it!!

    Now that I’ve said all of that, when can I expect the government to kick my door down and take me away for reeducation?

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