A foreign leader made one scary threat to Donald Trump that he’s going to live to regret

Donald Trump has made waves since the election with his bold foreign policy agenda.  He’s ruffled some feathers abroad.  And a foreign leader made one scary threat to Donald Trump that he’s going to live [...]


  1. American building the Panama Canal! We didn’t give it to them to give to CHINA! But if China operates at both end what that tell you?

  2. This country will wish he made a deal with America. China is trying to destroy the world. This foreign leader is a idiot. He let in China, why?

    • Chinese dominance is a factor – worldwide. Always has been, always will be. No amount of prestige, ‘masked’ historical dominance changes. If anything, China tarnishes their own legacy. They are communists by law. It’s not a choice. And they are totally against any/all religion, first and foremost Christianity and anything Biblical in print, on the air, radio, necklaces, crosses, bracelets, anything resembling Godly living. Even the Bible on your phone can get you killed.

  3. this Idiot Threatens the MOST POWERFUL country in the World, he’s going to take TRUMP to the United Nations Security Council, OOOOOOH what a Scarrrry threat. the United Nations is just an Arm of the NWO, it’s a FRIGGING JOKE. We built and paid for that Canal we will take it back. It won’t take much to take the canal back or take over the entire country and make it a dependent territory of the USA.

  4. On the birthright issue. If the states and cities want the birthright to stay the same, then let them take care of the children along with rev. Butte. but if they go back to MEXICO with their parents they lose their AMERICAN CITEZONSHHIP

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