A Democrat lawyer blew the whistle on this final cover-up by Joe Biden
Joe Biden presided over one of the most scandal-plagued administrations in history. He added the cherry on top on his way out the door. And a Democrat lawyer blew the whistle on this final cover-up [...]
The Biden family fortune should definitely be investigated fully and explained to the American Taxpayers. Especially with the questions of corruption people deserve answers to.
Pre-emptive pardons of this magnitude, aka “admission of guilt” and similar to taking the 5TH definitely open the door to Congressional investigations of the pardoners original intent while lying to the American public for a long time. Considering all of the existing evidence of “quid pro quo”, influence peddling and even extortion, cannot be ignored due to it’s damage to the political environment of the U.S.A. It must not and cannot be allowed. It effects the integrity of all politicians and government employees.
What the pardons did do is opened up the possiblily of Congressional Investigations and they must come in and testify honestly. If they lie that is a crime in itself not covered by the pardons and they can go to jail
Even though Joe Bidens apparent family pardons are in effect a get out of jail free card, the American Public need to know the truth regardless of what it is. If Joe Biden was indeed part of the family cover up, cause the influence peddling, or anything else, the American Public needs to know.
Ok once again my comments were over zealously edited even though they were completely correct. Can’t trust anyone to let the truth out
Had this happen on several occasions on this site, that’s why I don’t bother to comment on this Orwellian site..