A bombshell book aired the dirty laundry that will sink Kamala Harris

The 2024 campaign is reaching an inflection point. Americans are beginning to learn more about Kamala Harris.  And this bombshell book aired the dirty laundry that will sink Kamala Harris New book exposes the real [...]


  1. More than half of our country is having trouble making ends meet, especially with the rising cost of food, gas, housing, and education…you know like the kind that we American folks have to pay for (unlike the migrants who get most everything for FREE) The open borders have killed a lot of our country and have let in the terrorists and the prison garbage from other countries.And when ABC, CBS, MSNBC just to name a few are stating that Trump and Harris are neck and neck is laughable, my OPINION is that Harris could not figure her way out of a paper bag, never mind run this country.

    • I’M SO ANGRY THAT PEOPLE ARE VOTING FOR KAMALA KNOWING THE CONDITION Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has left this country in. They destroyed this country and so many lives with their ridiculous policies. GOD HELP AMERICA.

      • She lost 92% of her own personal staff. What makes her think she can manage/govern this nation? People she worked with couldn’t stand her policies, flip-flopping, tolerance of every national criminal on the planet coming ‘in country’; young people picking up guns just to ‘make a name for themselves’, devastating all ‘targets’ they could shoot at. Families who will never be the same. Kamala gives these criminals ‘free reign’, no prosecution, no jail time. Just let ’em run the streets of America. She calls this freedom?

    • It is true. Our government has thrown American citizens and valued veterans who fought for our country to the wayside in favor of these illegal immigrants.

  2. Kamala is a bigger fraud than Obama and dimwit Joe Biden. Other than incompetence as A D and Senator and I’m running a failed campaign she still has innocent man in jail in CA — this idiot is as useless as tits on a bull 🐂!!

  3. I truly believe that the Supreme Court should disqualify Komrad Kamala Harris for by-passing the primary vote and just taking it upon herself to name herself as the chosen person to run for President of the United States of America. No one voted for her, What makes her think anyone wanted her? She and Tampon Tim Wartz Are communists andd want to turn our country into Russia or China. If they love communism so much, they should go there to live and leave our country alone.

  4. Obama is the underlying problem, This man started all of this anti American crap.
    He needs to face the people of this country or leave our country, we were better off
    without his BS Islamic Brotherhood membership. Send him to Kenya along with his entire
    family. US Military Veteran and Patriot Los Angeles

  5. Democrats did not like her during the Presidential election. Noone has ever voted for her before. But now she walks on water.

  6. Anyone who can think for themselves know Harris is a unqualified jackass. People who have had to use up their savings,max out their credit cards just to make ends meet know the democrats don’t give a damn about the working class. Harris is just a mattress back who screwed her way to where she is. Not qualified to be a street sweeper.

    • You sure hit the nail on the head about ole’ mattress back!!!!!! A vote for her is going to kill our country!!!!! I can’t believe the people that will vote for her so they can say they voted for the first black woman president!!!!! They will also be able to say they destroyed American with their stupidity!!!!!

  7. If they are neck and neck, who are the stupd people voting for her? I can’t imagine anyone would want to keep the status quo or get worse with Cameltoe and Tampon Tim.

  8. I think her is a lady no morals she will do anything to get elected. She will destroy USA as we know it and it will never come back. I could tell you how she got her jobs in government, it was not having knowledge. She can not even carry on an intelligent conversation. She is not for America she likes China or Russia that she goes American. Let’s get her out of government along with her and Waltz.
    She is a liar a nasty person who tries to belittle the people work for her. Think she is best suited for her former life that put where she is today. To bad that is not published along why she wants abortion up to birth how sick is that. If she keep up believes she will burn in HELL.

  9. I think Kamala and her assh**e running mate are the worst pair to run for the highest office in this land. Kamala was horrible in California, I should know I lived thru her. She whored herself to Wille Brown to get ahead and I mean he get “head”. I have no idea how many others she slept with to get to where she is. If they take the office of President and Vice President, this country is done. Waltz, what can one say about him other then he is a liar. I really cannot stand looking at the creep. Do what ever you can to get people to see the truth about her and VOTE and get everyone to VOTE especially RED.

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