Joe Biden created this awful problem for everyone with his electric vehicle mandate

Timing is ticking down on Joe Biden’s time in the White House. Now, he’s working on securing a legacy that will last generations. And Joe Biden created this awful problem for everyone with his electric [...]


  1. stupid rule not èvenpracticalelectric cars are to high priced obviously much less truck or trains welcome to 12 dollar eggs or milk by the half gallon

  2. Joe Biden is the Biggest Idiot along with how counter part Kamala. There doing everything to BREAKE this country!!!!

    • It’s all about Communist take over.
      Don’t kid yourself, it’s not just Biden and Harris, it’s the entire DemoNcrat party

  3. Government mandates (communist style mandates) have never been good for our society. Our businesses have always paid the price. History tells us that small pushes towards a future goal is the only government intervention that has worked.

  4. Those Electric Vehicles will be far to expensive for the average person to afford !! They had those electric vehicles in the early 1900s and even then no one wanted them !! Those things are far to dangerous to have !! Some company was trying to get a Hydrogen Cell Car to work !! That would be a much better choice !!

  5. Mandates are not laws, also anything that is repugnant to The Constitution is Null and Void “Marbury vs. Madison 1803)

  6. Biden loves wasting our tax dollars on everything that doesn’t matter. I wish he would take a Long walk off a short pier with ten rolls of His Not Silver Dollars in his pockets. I wonder how long he could hold his breath.

  7. The roads and bridges won’t support electric semi trucks. They are too heavy with the batteries. Not to mention that they will not be able to handle going across country to deliver perishable food. Biden is such an idiot. Cameltoe Harris and her VP pick are even worse

  8. The idea any elected official could a presidential order that is binding for what is available to purchase is a problem in this Nation of the free and the brave

  9. These imbecilic top – down mandates won’t work. If battery powered cars and trucks were so desirable, they’d be flying off car dealer’s lots. But they’re not because most people don’t want them. The EPA is an “out of control” agency that needs to be neutered or dissolved. If trucking companies refused to ship in California, you’d see how fast these imbecilic mandates would be repealed.

  10. USPS spent a mighty amount of money on replacing their Fleet of vehicles with Electric vehicles. They may have found that those vehicles do not like cold weather nor hot weather, over time batteries do dim or burn. We have a problem with battery disposal with just what batteries, large,medium,small, we have now-The EPA has a problem now, just Wait/

  11. I have not seen one politician address what they are going to do with the dead batteries from these vehicles! What landfill wants dead batteries the size of the car platform. Politicians are constantly passing knee jerk policies with out regard to the unintended consequences……just stupid!

  12. Fu-k Joe Biden and Asshole Harris. Democrats are so f-in stupid if they vote for Harris and Walz. They are clueless how they are destroying our country. Democrats hate America and the people and there to stupid to admit it.
    Read between the lines she’s a pet rock dumber than a bag of rocks. Good luck with that asshole. She’s a disgrace to the black community. Send her back to the hood

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