James Carville made one scary confession that is really bad news for Kamala Harris

Democrats are ecstatic that Kamala Harris is riding to the rescue after Joe Biden’s campaign imploded. Now, their honeymoon is coming to an abrupt end. And James Carville made one scary confession that is really [...]


    • We have to watch out for black voter fraud in Democratic run cities. Black women are the party’s strongest supporters and among the most ignorant of any group in the country

  1. How can we pay social security for US? Our $35 TRILLION debt is being paid by our taxes at 75 cents of each dollar we pay. There is NO money for anything else. Health care for migrants? Give me a break.

  2. Yes, Harris might be qualified for Cuba, certainly not for the US. She might make Biden look good. However, Biden did not make Carter look good, so that is not saying much.

  3. Actually, dopey Joe did make Carter look good. Carter is no longer America’s worst president. Dopey Joe stole the crown from hum. Actually, Carter meant well. Dopey Joe means stupidity, utter incompetence, evil, and the destruction of America.

  4. Way back when ‘Sunday Morning’ was the way to start the week– Charles Kuralt, etc- James Carville was a popular guest. He was married to a Republican & it was fun to listen to him discuss ‘differences’. WOW!! Now, he’s just another democRAT & doesn’t care what is right & what is not. Just WIN!! They have brought all this ‘crap’ onto themselves. They KNEW the Biden’s were corrupted. They KNEW Hillary was not a good role model for anyone, let alone young girls. They KNEW, way back, what LBJ was up to. AND, they cared not when Oct 7th happened to Israel. BUT, they hold Israel’s ‘feet to the fire’, because they dared to retaliate. After all 1200 were killed, while they were celebrating, without any thoughts of hate.They have NOT condemned the deliberate attack on the soccer field full of kids, by Hezbollah.They have NOT condemned Rashid Tlaib, for her very obvious support of HAMAS. Even though the very “Son Of HAMAS” says it needs to be destroyed. NOW, they expect a person who would like all criminals out of prison, would like to see ICE abolished & has NO respect for police &/or law enforcement. They lie, lie, lie– actually that is the way Islam works. It is OK to lie IF it’s a way to get converts. Otherwise, they do not like lies. Read ‘The Book of Islam”. They allow our flag to be attacked, burned & replaced by the ‘enemy’ flag. Etc., Etc., Etc.!! How long did they really think this could go on, without a ‘revolt’, by “we the people”? Good grief– we were told the TRUTH. It would be great to have a woman president, but NOT this one or any of the other examples they have put before us. We have seen examples of great female leaders- Golda Meir, Queen Elizabeth & Margaret Thatcher. And, this female does not come close to being of ‘leadership’ quality. NO more than Hillary Clinton was. ‘Scuse me, but America is better than that — deserves so much more. And, right now, she’s running on the lies of corruption. It’s time to ‘clear out’ the democRATs- they have put a stain on everything that is valuable- freedom & integrity is NOT in their vision for anyone, but themselves. I am NOT a ‘party’ voter- I have voted for both sides- but, NO longer.I see NO good reason to be a democRAT, in today’s America. Not our fault- it’s all in their choices.’ 90 days

    • Amen Demo RATS Don’t care about u and me all they care about is power and money. Votes to stay in office so they won’t do what’s best for the avg American. These people have an agenda set by globalist and that’s what they follow

    • You are entirely correct, but have seriously understated the problem. I am voting anti-Democrat in search of representation that will serve my best interests and the country’s best interests and not exclusively the worst internal enemy imaginable. I do not fear Russians or Chinese and have no respect at all for the stone-age society in the mountains of Iraq and Iran. The Democrats keep me awake nights.

  5. Nobody listens to Carville. He is old and insignificant and mostly ignored. They only drag him out for presidential elections when the Democrats are desperate. He usually makes a fool of himself with his rants. Better to put him back on the shelf.

  6. There is no way our country can survive another four years with the higher cost of living steadily increasing! The Government spending like there is no tomorrow, must stop! Our Natural resources must be used, instead of buying from other countries!

    • Never was more truth said that what u just said. We have to get people to see this. It’s imperative to save America.

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