A top Democrat revealed one awful secret about Joe Biden that he never wanted exposed

Joe Biden’s more than 50 years in politics came to a shocking conclusion when he ended his re-election campaign. Americans are still searching for answers about what really happened behind the scenes to force him [...]


  1. The democratic machine put its money on an old horse that they thought they could use. They used him until he was no longer useful. He became a deficit rather than an asset. So he had to go. So what did the deep state do, they replaced Biden with Harris.who is much more unmanageable than Biden. This is a mess, it will not work.

    • Absolutely correct. She is in way above her heard and any thought that she would actually fill the role of POTUS is a joke. I’m tired of this ruling by committee going on in DC and we need to clean up this ghetto of politics and graft going on in DC. Time for A vinegar and soap clean-up.

  2. “they” put jo biden and kumelia in the white house, and “they” have been running the executive branch with a demented puppet and giggling ho, so “they” remove the puppet and prop up the ho.
    Proves that any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran.

  3. Gracie the cat You are sooooooooo right! Any vote for a democrat is a vote that will destroy this once Great country…..Joe Biden is just a puppet and Kamala Harris just another Joe Biden.Both of them gave Obama another term in the whitehouse.He runs both of them like a machine and has been doing it for 3 and a half years.Some one else will win this election and all three of them will be gone…..America will survive.

      • And it cannot happen soon enough. If JB isn’t fit to run for office again, why is he still President? A moron could do a lot of damage in 6 months time. Who helps him dress everyday? Does he even know how to brush his teeth or take a shower? He doesn’t have his little girl there for incentive to get in the shower while mommy takes a leave of absence. Or is KH filling that role? They are all so sordid.

  4. Obama will lose his third term..Joe and Kamala have both been his puppet for over 3 years.Joe is no longer in the race..and Kamala Harris has no active BRAIN to run a pop corn stand so America is safe and will survive because someone else will win the office of the president.The three of them will retire in hell.

  5. I agree. Obama has been the puppet master controlling Biden and Harris since his presidency ended. Obama is in my opinion, a leftist communist sympathizer! The DemonRats need to be exterminated! May this happen come November 2024! MAGA!

  6. Is there ANYONE in high Party politics today that really speaks the genuine TRUTH?


    All I seem to see are selfish power mongers who do anything their Party Bosses, wherever they are, tell them. Personal gain is their goal, NOT the well-being of Constitutional America!

    But, face it! Those greedy America-haters are ELECTED to office by the Little Guy. The Little Guy that votes for “Free Stuff” and doesn’t seem to care what that leads to.

    WAKE UP, USA!!! Before it’s too late!

  7. I’ve been saying all along that Obama is behind everything. I just wish he and the Clintons would go away.
    thye should mind their own business. He has always thought he was extra SPECIAL. I think alot of people have a different opinion.

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