Pete Buttigieg was utterly humiliated when a Fox News host hit him with this merciless reality check

Pete Buttigieg has emerged as one of Democrats’ top surrogates for Kamala Harris’ Presidential campaign, leading many to believe that he could very well be her Vice Presidential running mate. But he’s not used to [...]


    • He’s an advocate for anything Immoral, & that Includes, the ole man Admin, the Mala plant who’s a bonafide Comminist, & the Dim.. Marxist party. Period.💀

  1. A good neighbor is an unconvinced Democrat. He simply believes any democrat is always better than any Republican candidate. That all the blame for border crossings and crime are simply false.

    • Don’t argue with him, tell him to have a nice day and to keep drinking the cool aid.
      Bill Murry once said, “It’s difficult to win an argument against a smart person but damn near impossible to win an argument against someone that’s stupid” You can’t fix stupid.
      Anyone who wants four years worse than the last 3.5 years can only be misinformed because he watches MSNBC, CNN OR THE OTHER SO-CALLED MAINSTREAM MEDIA CHANNELS OR JUST PLAIN STUPID!

      • They’re not misinformed about the issues but rather they hate your president Trump so much that like a bunch of partisan lemmings, they’ll vote for anyone running against him, even if it means national suicide. I personally believe that most Democrat supporters have one or more mental issues. 🇨🇦

      • Buttgig is a moron if he believes the lies and garbage he is spouting. Like Alan said, you can’t fix stupid. Remember, this is the person who claimed that roads are racist. What a shithead.

      • So true! We can’t fix stoopid! So we’ll have to pray there are enough legitimate voters awake by now, to STOP VOTING FOR STUPID DEMONICRATS DESTROYING THE ONE COUNTRY THAT WAS THE BEST IN THE WORLD! OE GOD HELP US!

      • Karma can and will return but hopefully these idiots will get the point that the Silent Minority is neither. Who is going to believe someone who advocates expensive electric cars, and owns one, while putting his bicycle in the back of a gas guzzling Suburban and driving it to within a 1/4 mile of his work at the Capitol, then pulling his bike out of the back of the Suburban and riding it the rest of the way for photographers. Insanity on display here.

  2. Pete Buttigieg is to dumb to be VP,
    He can’t take care of Transportation.
    He only pretends, sometimes you don’t see him, he has to stay home to take care of his baby, his husband has to take care of his business. They take turns baby sitting. That guy is a joke. He certainly doesn’t belong in politics.
    Its only for a paycheck.that should end him, why not pay a babysitter. He brags being a mayor, for how many people one thousand people, boy,thats alot to get into big time.

    • It would be a disaster! Larry and Curly pretending to run the country. A Hoe and a Sodomite, we don’t need!

      • All this time, I thought his name was Pete Buttplug! cause he don’t know his ass from his elbow about transportation, just another Biden moron

  3. What’s there to say, This is what democrats do, they lie and keepmstating that lie until people believe it.

  4. I am so sick of the lies the spew, it’s about time we challenge the left news shows to tell the truth. Maybe then the left politicians will straighten out their rhetoric. Their only purpose is to decry the Republican party and prop up the dims. SICK!

  5. Buttigieg talks too much and says too little! He should stay at home and take care of his child!

        • Cackling Kammy is half Indian & half Jamaican. Making her “BROWN” rather than “BLACK” for DEM RACISTS. More important than skin color, is the LACK of content of her character & the fact that she wasn’t even born in the USA, making it ILLEGAL for her to qualify to run as President. So it will be easy to replace her un-democratically with the hildabeast (HITLERY ROTTEN CLINGON) or even The other fake … tranny Michael/Michelle Obamallah

  6. Pete is a DEI hire. He may have been a mayor in Indiana, his constitutients were glad to see him go. They didn’t call him Pot Hole Pete for nothing. He was so bad that he couldn’t even fill the pot holes in the streets.

  7. You can’t fix stupid and buttigieg is stupid and lazy. He hasn’t done his job either. He’s been on vacation for almost four years. He doesn’t fly the American flag he fly the gay flag. Just how unamerican unmoral this evil little man is.

  8. If they dismiss Trump, they will have to impeach Biden and Kamala. They are a Hell of a lot more crooked than he is!!!!

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