Donald Trump is about to lose this big fight because of one word

Donald Trump racked up win after win in his first two weeks in office. But Trump was startled by some bad news. And Donald Trump is about to lose this big fight because of one [...]


  1. After hearing what corruption is being uncovered at USAID by DOGE, I think we should wait and see how he may be considered a whistleblower and not a traitor. That would possibly make him a patriot, we’ll see!

  2. Sounds more like Snowden was a whistle blower on corrupt government, Seems to me DEMOCRATs break laws and constitution and walk. Sick of the double standards in the justice system, sick of Democrats thinking they are above the laws and rules! Time the set these people straight!

        • That Dem as*****Senator didn’t even give her a chance to respond properly. His ass sounded drunk to me……but that’s ok he’s a lunatic loser dumbocrap – ges that makes it ok? Not familiar with the Snowden thing but Gabby just needs to stand her ground with these dickheads they’re just doing what Demons do……all we need is Republicans to vote Republican….if not we’re are own worse enemy and come the next primaries these rino traitor sobs can go to work with exUSAIDERS.

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