One awful secret about California being exposed left Gavin Newsom sweating bullets

California’s leadership has been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons.  The reality of what’s happening in the state is worse than anyone imagined.  And one awful secret about California being exposed left Gavin [...]


  1. PRETTY BOY GOVERNOR GAV has totally neglected California — he chooses to attend to that greasy evangelist hair and shop for his next three-piece suit rather than take care of the state’s citizens … now thousands are moving away from what used to be the most beautiful place in America. And all the while the fool thinks he’s “presidential material” …. what a TOTAL IDIOT …

  2. No matter what the question is. No matter how obvious the answer is. Why is there consistently 1% or 2% on the other side of the question? Are those people trolls or just that stupid?

  3. Since the left like to nominate stupid people to run for high positions in government, I guess gavin is their man in 28.

  4. Indigenous care isn’t all mumbo jumbo there are some good points such as managing the undergrowth. Caring for the ecosystems in a productive manner to all is needed.

  5. The only thing that Newsom has proven, is the fact that he is dumber than a bag of hammers!

    He and his ilk, have shown just how stupid they really are. If you take a look at all the democrat run cities/states, it has been proven many times over, they haven’t got the sense God gave a goose! They care more about things that disrupt than things that help this country. They are all about making themselves rich, no matter what it does to the people of this country!

  6. I’m sorry but I’m part Indian and this sounds like so much hoakum. You go with proven facts and science. It threw a few million dollars at some Indian people and kept the majority of the $100 million for what he wanted to spend it on which probably went into a lot of pockets. He blows through money just like Harris does. If he gets anything from the government for California rebuilding, it goes to a separate fund from the state government and is totally controlled and each dime is accounted for. And lots of Californias rules and regulations are thrown out. There were people who built houses that stood up to the fire and those houses need to be looked at and used as an example. Fire resistant materials and better irrigation systems and putting lines under ground.

  7. This is Californias problem not a federal problem there incompetence and refusal to do forest management is one of the causes second is the dumbasses who during fire season don’t have water. How stupid do they have to be to become a governor or mayor or politician. Where did the millions of dollars cut from those departments go to. You schmucks were supporting illegals immigrants that shouldn’t be there anyway breaking federal laws. Now you want Americans taxpayers bail your asses out with our money because of your incompetence bullsh-t. This isn’t like a major hurricane or major snowstorm this was pure neglect on your government officials and Californians are just sitting back and waiting for the rest of America to pay for your bad choices. You assholes learned nothing from Hawaii’s major fires.
    California citizens keep voting for democrats so ask them what are your plans to fix your screw ups. You people never ever learn your just the cash cow a they give a sh-t about you just your money. They had the Pacific Ocean and the didn’t truck in any water from there. Unfortunately you get what you pay for and voted for. How many Billions of dollars have been wasted on your invisible train system. Wake up schmucks democrats are screwing you for years

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