Karine Jean-Pierre had one final humiliation that left Democrats shaking their heads

Karine Jean-Pierre was the worst White House Press Secretary in history.  She ended her career with a jaw-dropping stunt.  And Karine Jean-Pierre had one final humiliation that left Democrats shaking their heads.  Karine Jean-Pierre has [...]


  1. ding dong the obama administration is gone we never had a president this past 4 years of the 2020 obama cheat puppet show.

    • How can they hide this from the american people. They should be ashamed all of themselves. Somebody knows Joe Biden had conigtive decline. They been hiding it for 3 and half years now. Nobody says anything. Not even the vice president. This is not an american. Ive never seen it my whole entire life until now.

  2. Everyone knows why she was put in job. Biden has been out to lunch for four years. Whoever gave her that job was a bigger fool than her. Biden was installed by the democrats. They admitted they used Biden. Jill was right there taking his power to destroy America and bring in all her freak crap into the Oval office. Biden was used. Everyone who used a mentally ill old man should be charged with treason. From Nancy Pelosi to this mess of press secretary. Hope to see everyone of them sitting in jail for life. What a con these democrats put on the American people. Panic was fake was a cover to keep Biden away from the public. The things these democrats did to the American people should get the death penalty. Destroying your own country for greed,money,power and control of the American people’s lives.

    • All demonrats should be banned in congress for good. We dont want them. Because they been lying to all the american people. Their mean heartless evil monsters!

  3. All demonrats should be banned in congress for good. We dont want them. Because they been lying to all the american people. Their mean heartless evil monsters!

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